The travel allowance is paid once and is calculated according to the distance between the place of origin (Vienna) and the venue (see table below).



INCREASED TRAVEL COST GRANT for environmentally friendly travel

There is a higher travel allowance for travelling with climate-friendly alternatives.






Environment and climate action are key priorities for the EU now and in the future. The European Green Deal is the European new growth strategy and recognises the key role of schools, training institutions and universities to engage with stduents and the wider community on the changes needed for a successful transition to become climate neutral by 2050.

In addition to the new priorities for the Erasmus+ program, such as inclusion and digitization, the European Commission will make the program "greener" in the future. Additional costs incurred will be compensated if more environmentally friendly means of transport are being used. This subsidy for Erasmus+ participants is to be paid out for travel by long-distance trains, public transport, etc. as part of Green Mobility. This is about reducing the carbon footprint caused by traveling abroad.




There are many ways to also make stays abroad sustainable, resource-saving and climate-friendly as part of mobility programs:


  • When choosing your host institution, also consider partner universities nearby that offer courses suitable for you.


  • Plan your trip well and choose the best means of transportation. Especially short distances can often be covered by bus or train and flights can be avoided.
  • Offset CO2 emissions and support climate protection projects.
  • Travel with less luggage and only take as much as you really need.
  • Print out travel documents only if absolutely necessary. Digital documents are usually sufficient.


  • Use public transportation and bicycles or walk short distances.
  • Explore the city on foot or by bike. We can recommend the Citybikes of the City of Vienna, which you can find at more than 120 stations all over Vienna: Citybike Vienna
  • Get a semester ticket of the Wiener Linien (valid for 5 months September-January, February-June). The semester ticket is available for all students under 27 at Wiener Linien Shop
  • Use reusable water bottles if the drinking water quality allows it and do not buy water in plastic bottles.
  • Conserve resources by conserving water and electricity and being mindful of waste separation and recycling.
  • Buy local and seasonal products and prefer to consume in local restaurants instead of international chains.


More information on greener mobility exchange




In teaching, research and knowledge transfer, mdw is committed to the principle of sustainability in the long term, as well as to responsible and mindful interaction with one another. The information and action platform "green mdw" deals with measures for resource-saving, sustainable responsibility of the mdw, promotes cooperations and carries out objective networking work.

More about the green mdw