INSTRUMENTAL STUDIES (performance and education)

We recommend 3 recordings of a total of around 10 minutes. The pieces can be chosen freely. In order to provide the broadest possible overview of your own abilities, it is advisable to choose pieces from different musical areas / composers.



In addition to all general information/documents, singers have to provide the following recordings:

  • BA Voice: 4 art songs & 2 arias of different styles and composers (of which 1 piece has be presented in German language!)
  • MA Vocal Performance: 3 art songs,  1 oratorio & 2 opera arias (of which 2 pieces have to be presented in German language)
  • MA Stage Performance: 4 opera arias of different styles, epoches and composers (of which one piece has to be scenic!)
  • MA Art Song Oratorio: 4 art songs, 2 oratorios (of which at least 2 pieces have to be presented in German language!)

Please note:
All pieces, except oratorios, have to be presented by heart.
The file name of the recording has to include the type of the piece (eg. "Aria - Königin der Nacht, Zauberflöte, Mozart.mp4")



Two files of 3 minutes each:


  • Solo performance of a self-composed or improvised instrumental piece
  • Solo choreography or movement improvisation to music of your choice


FILM ACADEMY (Screenplay Writing and Dramaturgy)

In addition to all general information, the following documents have to be provided:


  • Scripts (Screenplays) in German or English language (up to a max. of 100 minutes)
  • If available: Examples of filmed screenplays (in German or English language)
  • Completed questionnaire (the questionnaire is only available in German, but the answers can also be provided in English)
  • German language skills are required (lessons will be held in German only)

1-2 representative works from the field of the major subject



Dissertation concept:

  • This should include the topic, the research question, its relation to the respective scientific research field, and why the research is needed, as well as the relevant methodological and theoretical considerations. Explanations should be given in light of current research literature.
  • Length: approx. 5-7 pages  
  • Please note that even the dissertation concept must follow the rules of good scientific practice.
  • in German or Englisch language
  • We also ask you get in contact with a supervisor at the mdw in advance.



A written description of the dissertation project:

  • general description of the dissertation project / overview
  • project goal(s), artistic research issues, their context and (international) relevance
  • intended methods
  • the weighting in percentages of the artistic and/or academic sub-disciplines which are relevant for the project
  • forms of documentation and dissemination which might be suitable
  • the position of your own project in relation to society and social relevance
  • the potential effect of the project
  • possibly: national and international networking
  • other content-related aspects, ethical questions, added value (optional)