Joseph Jordania
Curriculum Vitae
(Last update: November 2024)
Convener and the Organizer of the series of International Symposia and Conferences “Problems of Traditional Polyphony”
Founding Member and the Head of the Foreign Department of the International Research Centre for Traditional Polyphony. Since 2022 Member of Georgian National Academy of Sciences
In 2009 was awarded Fumio Koizumi Prize in Ethnomusicology “In recognition of his contribution to systematic analysis of folk polyphonies of the world, proposing a new model for the origins of traditional choral singing in a broad context of human evolution”
Founder and Director of the “Jim Corbett International Research Centre” At Tbilisi Grigol Robakidze University
Formal Qualifications
Doctor of Music (Dr Mus) in musicology (ethnomusicology), awarded by Kiev State Conservatory (Ukraine), 1991. Dissertation theme: "Georgian traditional Polyphony in International Context of Polyphonic Cultures: The Problem of Origins of Polyphony”.
PhD in Musicology (Ethnomusicology). "Modulations in East Georgian Drone Songs", Tbilisi State Conservatory, 1982.
Tertiary Education
PhD in ethnomusicology, 3-year Post-Graduate Course at the Dept of Ethnomusicology, Tbilisi State Conservatory, Republic of Georgia (former USSR), 1982.
BA (Hons), 5-year Graduate Course at the Dept of Ethnomusicology, Tbilisi State Conservatory, Republic of Georgia (former USSR), 1978.
Secondary Musical Education
Music Teacher, Musicologist, 4-year course at D. Arakishvili Secondary Music College, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia (former USSR), 1973.
Primary Musical Education
Pianoforte, Music Theory, 7-year course at the Music School #8 in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia (former USSR), 1969.
General Primary and Secondary School
In 1971 finished the Generals Secondary School (#60) in Tbilisi.
In 1971 – 1973 years studied English Language and Linguistics at the Faculty of English Language at the Institute of foreign Languages of Tbilisi.
Work Experience
1. December 1999 - Current.
Melbourne, Australia. The University of Melbourne. Faculty of Music.
Position (casual): Honorary Fellow; lecturer; Ensemble Musical Director.
(i) Tutoring the subject “Music of Asia and Pacific” for the students of 1st - 5th years (2001); Participating in the assessment.
- Leading the ensemble “Multiphonies” (from 2001 onwards, from 2006 – “World Music Choir”); teaching part-singing styles of different regions of the world; teaching different harmonic styles of the world; middle and end of the semester assessments of the ensemble participant and public performances.
2. June 1997 – January 2020.
Melbourne, Australia. Australian Music Teachers Register (AMTR).
Position (part time): Music teacher (piano, guitar, music theory).
- Teaching piano at different levels (classical, contemporary);
- Teaching guitar at different levels (contemporary, classical, rock, jazz);
- Teaching aural musicianship and music theory;
- Preparing students for AMEB exams.
Twice (in 1998 and 1999) winner of the Australian Music Teachers Register “Top Teacher Award”.
3. May 2002 – December 2016
Melbourne, Australia. Mercy College.
Position (Part time): Music (instrumental) teacher.
- Teaching guitar (contemporary, classical, rock, jazz) and piano;
- Leading students’ rock ensembles, doing arrangements; preparation for the performances;
- Preparing students for AMEB (Australian Music Examination Board) exams.
4. In 1996, 1998, 2000.
Melbourne, Australia. Dept of Music Education, Australian Catholic University.
Position: (occasional and part-time) Visiting Lecturer.
(i) Lectures and seminars in Music Education for Primary and Secondary School teachers. Subjects: “Music in Non-Western Societies”, “Music Teaching and Curriculum in Secondary Schools”, “Music for Schools and Communities”, “Arts, Education, Music”.
(ii) Assessment of written essays and participation in exams.
5. August 1996 – January 2020.
Throughout Australia and internationally: Leading singing Workshops on the following topics:
“Polyphonic Songs from Georgia”
“The Beatles music in Choral Arrangements”
“How to Arrange for Choirs”
Position: Leader of Workshops.
(I) Contacting organizations and organizing workshops
- Teaching Georgian traditional and medieval church-songs to the participants of the workshops
- Arranging The Beatles songs for choirs and teaching them to workshop participants
- Teaching professional musicians (mostly choir leaders and composers) how to approach harmonization of melody in different styles and how to organize the final layout of vocal parts when arranging for choirs
Some of the workshops led by Joseph Jordania:
NATIONAL: Daylesford Singers’ Festival (1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002 2004, 2005, 2010), Canberra National Folk festival (1997, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2011), Woodford Folk Festival (1997-98), Port Fairy Folk Festival (2000, 2002), Sydney A Cappella Festival (1997, 1998), Maldon Folk Festival (1997, 1998), Melbourne A Cappella Festival (1997, 1998, 1999, 2003, 2004).
INTERNATIONAL: Cardiff, Wales, UK (Centre of Performance Research, in 1994, 1995, 1999); New York (Kartuli Ensemble, 1997); San Francisco (Montessori School, 1997); Los Angeles (UCLA, 1999); Paris (Association “Marani”, 1999, 2012); A Cappella Festival, Christchurch, New Zealand (2003, 2012); Brazil (2013, 2014), Argentina (2013), Italy (2018).
6. February 1996 – January, 2020.
Melbourne, Australia. Vocal a cappella ensemble “Golden Fleece”.
Position: Founding member, performer (singer), arranger.
(i) Providing the ensemble with traditional Georgian songs
- Performer (base voice)
- Arranging songs
- Contacting Festivals and organising performances and recordings
Some of performances of Joseph Jordania with Golden Fleece:
NATIONAL: Canberra National Folk Festival (1997, 1998, 2003, 2011), Woodford Folk Festival (1997-98), Melbourne A Cappella Festival (1997, 1998, 2003), Sydney A Cappella Festival (1997), Sydney Choral Sea (1998), Maldon Folk Festival (1998, 1999), musical show “John, Paul, Ringo and Georgia” (Canberra, 2007, Tasmania, 2007, 2012 Melbourne, 2008).
INTERNATIONAL: Los Angeles (UCLA, 1997), San Francisco (Montessori School of Music, 1997), Chicago (University of Chicago, 1997); Georgia, Tbilisi, 2014.
Released CD “Songs from Georgia” (Move Records, 1999).
National (ABC) Radio and TV appearances.
7. May 1996 - 2011.
Melbourne, Australia. Male a cappella ensemble “Gorani”.
Position: Leader of Georgian repertoire of the ensemble, performer (singer), arranger.
(i) Providing the ensemble with traditional Georgian polyphonic songs
- Teaching Georgian polyphonic traditional and medieval church-songs to the
members of the ensemble
(iii) Arranging songs for the ensemble
- Singer (bass)
Some of the performances of Joseph Jordania with Gorani:
NATIONAL: Daylesford Singer’s Festival (1997, 2001, 2004, 2007), Canberra National Folk Festival (1997, 1998, 2011), Port Fairy Folk Festival (2000, 2002), Melbourne Winter Festival (1999, 2002).
INTERNATIONAL: the Festival of Georgian Traditional Music, Tbilisi, Georgia (2002); The Festival of Gurian (West Georgian) Traditional Song, Ureki, Georgia (2004); International Symposium of Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi (2010, 2012, 2014).
Released CDs (1) “Traditional Songs from Georgia and Bulgaria” (1999), (2) “In Search of Harmonies” (2007)
National (ABC) Radio and TV appearances in Australia and Georgia.
8. February 29, 1988 - October, 1995.
Tbilisi, Georgia (former USSR). Centre for Mediterranean Studies, Tbilisi State University.
Position: Head of Musical Section of the Centre.
(i) Planning and supervising musicological/ethnomusicological research of the Centre
(ii) Writing and publishing musicological research in field of Caucasian and Mediterranean traditional musical cultures
(iii) Supervising PhD dissertations in ethnomusicology
- Organizing series of international conference “Problems of Traditional
9. March 1987 - October 1995.
Tbilisi, Georgia (former USSR). Georgian State Encyclopedia, Head of the ethnomusicology board.
- Supervising the work of the Ethnomusicology Board
- Working out the list of the entries in ethnomusicology for the Georgian State Encyclopedia
(iii) Choosing experts who should write the articles in traditional music for the Encyclopedia
(iv) Writing articles for the Encyclopedia (Georgian music and general topics)
(v) Final endorsement of submitted articles
10. September 1981 - October 1995.
Tbilisi, Georgia. Dept of Ethnomusicology at Tbilisi State Conservatory.
Positions: Professor (from 1993), Senior lecturer and Senior Researcher (1981-1993), Dean of the faculty of Musicology (during 1983-1984).
(i) Lectures (group and individual) and seminars in ethnomusicology and musicology for the year 1-5 students
- Supervising research on undergraduate and postgraduate levels (including MA
and PhD students in ethnomusicology)
- As a Dean of the Faculty of Musicology – organising and supervising the work of the Faculty of Musicology at the Conservatory
- In 1984 was the Head of the Selection Committee of the Entrance Examinations in Musicology
- In 1994 was the Head of the Graduate Examinations State committee in Musicology
- Organising and leading fieldwork (with the groups of students) in different
regions of Georgia
- Organising International Conferences “Problems of Traditional Polyphony” (1984, 1986, 1988)
- Preparing research publication for National and International journals
- Serving as Editor for the collection of musicological articles
11. September, 1979 - September, 1981.
Tbilisi, Georgia. D. Arakishvili Secondary Musical College.
Position: Lecturer in Music Theory and Ethnomusicology.
- Lectures and seminars for the year 8-12 students in musicology (subjects - ethnomusicology, Music Theory, Aural Musicianship, Harmony, Music History, Polyphony)
(ii) Conducting examinations
12. April, 1976, September 1979
Tbilisi, Georgia, Children’s Popular ensemble Saplings (Nergebi)
Position: Instrumental teacher, arranger.
- Teaching children guitar, bass guitar, keyboard, drums,
- Doing arrangements for the ensemble.
- Supervising performances and recordings.
Membership in professional associations
From 2003 – Founding member and a Head of the Foreign Department of the
International Research Centre for Traditional Polyphony at Tbilisi
State Conservatory (established with the support of UNESCO in 2003,
Tbilisi, Georgia)
From 1998 - member of ICTM (International Council for Traditional Music)
From 1996 - member of MSA (Musicological Society of Australia)
From 1994 - member of CPR (Centre for Performance Research), UK
From 1991 - member of ESEM (European Seminar in Ethnomusicology)
From 14 April, 2022 – Foreign Member of Academy of Science of Georgia
· Paliashvili Scholarship - awarded by V. Sarajishvili State Conservatory in 1976-1978.
· Award for the Best Student Research Essay (national competition) – awarded by V. Sarajishvili State Conservatory, in 1975 and 1977 (twice).
· “Top Teacher Award” - awarded by the AMTR (Australian Music Teachers Register), in 1998 and 1999 (twice).
· Centenary Medal, instituted by Queen Elizabeth The Second, Queen of Australia - awarded to Joseph Jordania “as an accomplished musician…” “for contribution made to Australian society” by Centenary Medal Secretariat, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberra, in 2003.
· Fumio Koizumi Prize in Ethnomusicology, awarded in 2009 “In recognition of his contribution to systematic analysis of folk polyphonies of the world, proposing a new model for the origins of traditional choral singing in a broad context of human evolution”. Tokyo, 2009.
Defence Strategies in Early Human Evolution. Logos, 2023 (co-editor with J Wade)
Essays on Evolution of Music, Future of Education, Human Morphology and Behavior. ELIVA Press, 2023.
Historical Trends in Georgian Traiditional and Sacred Music: A Tribute to Anzor Erkomaishvili (co-editor with R. Tsurtsumia) Cambridge Reader’s Publishing, 2023
Contemporary Tendencies in Georgian Traiditional and Sacred Music. (co-editor with R. Tsurtsumia) Cambridge Reader’s Publishing, 2023
Charles Darwin and Jim Corbett: Parallel Biographies. Logos, 2023.
The Human Story behind Scientific Discovery. Logos, 2020
Behind Jim Corbett’s Stories Vol 2 (written together with Priyvrat Gadhvi, Preetum Gheerawo, Manfred Waltl, Ali Akhtar, and Fernando Quevedo.). Logos, 2020.
A New Model of Human Evolution: How Predators Shaped Human Morphology and Behaviour, Saarbrucken, Germany, Lambert Academic Publishers, 2017.
Why do People sing? Music in Human Evolution. Tokyo: ARC Publishing. Tokyo: ARC Publishing, 2016 (In Japanese).
Genesis of Vocal Polyphony in the Light of Human Evolution. Logos, 2016 (In Georgian)
Behind Jim Corbett’s Stories: Analytical Journey through “Corbett’s places” and Unanswered Questions (written together with Priyvrat Gadhvi, Preetum Gheerawo, Manfred Waltl, and Fernando Quevedo.) Introduction by Peter Byrne. Logos, 2016
Choral Music in Human Culture and Evolution. Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishers, 2015.
Why do People Sing? Music in Human Evolution. Shanghai: Shanghai Conservatorium of Music Press, 2014 (in Chinese).
Tigers, Lions and Humans: History of Rivalry, Conflict, Reverence and Love. Tbilisi: Logos. 2014
Why do People sing? Music in Human Evolution. Tbilisi: Logos. 2011. (The book is used in University course at British Columbia University, Vancouver, Canada)
“Who Asked the First Question? Origins of Vocal Polyphony, Human Intelligence, Language and Speech”. Logos, Tbilisi State University. 2006. (The book received the “Fumio Koizumi Prize in Ethnomusicology” in 2009 and has been used in teaching courses at the universities of USA, Sweden, Russia, Georgia and Australia)
Gruzinskoe traditsionnoe mnogogolosie v mezhdunarodnom kontekste mnogogolosnix kultur: k voprosy genezisa mnogogolosia [Georgian Traditional Polyphony in International Context of Polyphonic Cultures: The Problem of Origins of Polyphony]. Tbilisi State University Press, 1991. (In Russian, with English summary). (The book has been used at the Universities in Russia and Georgia)
Gruzinskoe traditsionnoe mnogogolosie v mezhdunarodnom kontekste mnogogolosnix kultur: k voprosy genezisa mnogogolosia [Georgian Traditional Polyphony in International Context of Polyphonic Cultures: The Problem of Origins of Polyphony]. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State University Press, 1989 (in Russian with English summary).
Articles and chapter in the books (in press)
“megruli xalxuri simgerebi” [Megrelian Folk Songs], collected by Archil Khorava, Edited by Joseph Jordania. Tbilisi: Khelovneba (2 600 words, in Georgian).
“Georgian Table Songs”, in: Georgian Table Songs, Collection of Georgian Traditional Songs. Edited by Levan Kasradze. Georgian Musical and Choreographic Society, Tbilisi (2 400 words, in Georgian and English).
“edisher garakanidze da misi shromebi” [Edisher Garakanidze and His Works], in: Edisher Garakanidze. Works. Edited by Joseph Jordania. Tbilisi State Conservatory (7500 words, in Georgian with English summary).
Articles and chapters in the books
Music as aposematic signal: predator defense strategies in early human evolution. Frontiers in Psychology. 2024 Jan 16:14:1271854. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1271854.
Warning Display as a Strategy of Defense and Offense in Early Human Evolution. In Predator Defense Strategies in Early Human Evolution. Edited by Joseph Jordania & Jenny Wade. Logos, 2023. 58-83.
“Renato Morelli: A Man with Thousand Voices,” in Feschrift for Renato Morelli 70th birthday, 2021, Italy. 397-407.
"Can there be an Alternative Evolutionary Reason Behind the Peacock's Impressive Train?" Academia Letters, September, 2021. DOI:
“Study of Polyphonic Music of National Minorities through the Historical Perspective,” in Traditional Music of National Minorities: Problems and Perspectives, collection of research articles, editors Yu Hsiu and Oscar Elschek, 2021. 143-164.
"Distribution of Singing in Arboreal and Terrestrial Species, with Implications for the Origins of Singing Behavior among Humans" Academia Letters 2020, 2 <
Stable and Mobile Elements of Polyphonic Texture: Historical Aspect. In Problems of Traditional Polyphony. Materials of the Eights International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, held at the International Research Centre of Traditional Polyphony at Tbilisi State Conservatory on October 26 – November 1, 2018. Editors: Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania. Tbilisi State Conservatory, 2020 (in English and Georgian). 25-28.
New Details of the Champawat Man-Eater Hunting Story, (together with Preetum Gheerawo and Priyvrat Gadhvi). In “Behind Jim Corbett Stories” (collection of research articles), Vol. 2, by Preetum Gheerawo, Manfred Waltl, Ali Akhtar, Priyvrat Gadhvi, Joseph Jordania, Fernando Quevedo de Oliveira. Tbilisi, Logos, 2020 (in English). 25-32.
Thak Rock Identification: New Evidence and Considerations. In “Behind Jim Corbett Stories” (collection of research articles), Vol. 2, by Preetum Gheerawo, Manfred Waltl, Ali Akhtar, Priyvrat Gadhvi, Joseph Jordania, Fernando Quevedo de Oliveira. Tbilisi, Logos, 2020 (in English). 92-108.
Night in Leper’s Room. In “Behind Jim Corbett Stories” (collection of research articles), Vol. 2, by Preetum Gheerawo, Manfred Waltl, Ali Akhtar, Priyvrat Gadhvi, Joseph Jordania, Fernando Quevedo de Oliveira. Tbilisi, Logos, 2020 (in English). 109-113.
A Mystery of Purnagiri Lights. In “Behind Jim Corbett Stories” (collection of research articles), Vol. 2, by Preetum Gheerawo, Manfred Waltl, Ali Akhtar, Priyvrat Gadhvi, Joseph Jordania, Fernando Quevedo de Oliveira. Tbilisi, Logos, 2020 (in English). 148-157.
Why did Corbett Go after Talla Des Man-Eater in a Terrible Physical Condition? In “Behind Jim Corbett Stories” (collection of research articles), Vol. 2, by Preetum Gheerawo, Manfred Waltl, Ali Akhtar, Priyvrat Gadhvi, Joseph Jordania, Fernando Quevedo de Oliveira. Tbilisi, Logos, 2020 (in English). 158-164.
Cross-Cultural Study of Geographical Dynamics of Traditional Polyphony. In: Problems of Traditional Polyphony. Materials of the Eights International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, held at the International Research Centre of Traditional Polyphony at Tbilisi State Conservatory on September 22-26, 2016. Editors: Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania. Tbilisi State Conservatory, 2018 (in English and Georgian). 24-30.
“Urban Song in Georgia” [Kalakuri Simgera]. In: Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Volume 11. Genres: Europe. Editors: David Horn, John Shepherd. Volume 11 editors: Paolo Prato, David Horn. Bloomsbury Academic, 2017. (in English). 432-433.
Old Tbilisi Songs” [Zveli Tbilisuri Simgerebi]. In: Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Volume 11. Genres: Europe. David Horn, John Shepherd. Volume 11 editors: Paolo Prato, David Horn. Bloomsbury Academic, 2017. (in English). 546-547.
National Minorities, Traditional Polyphony, Cultural Policy and State Borders. In Problems of Traditional Polyphony. Materials of the Sixth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, held at the International Research Centre of Traditional Polyphony at Tbilisi State Conservatory on September 22-26, 2014. Editors: Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania. Tbilisi State Conservatory, 2016. 22-30.
New Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of the Origins of Traditional Polyphony.
MUSICOLOGY: Journal of the Institute of Musicology of SASA (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) Vol 18, Belgrade 2015. 77-98.
99 Georgian Songs: a collection of traditional Folk, Church and Urban Songs from Georgia (Compiled by Edisher Garaqanidze, song notes, translations, computer work by Joseph Jordania). Centre for Performance Research, UK: Black Mountain Press. Second extended edition, Second extended edition 2015 (first edition 2004).
“Where Wine Was Born? Wine and Identity in Georgia” (written together with Matthew Harvey). In Wine and Identity: Branding, Heritage, Terroir. Edited by Matt Harvey, Leanne White and Warwick Frost. (2014). Routledge. London and New York. 71-86.
“Comparative study of Traditional Polyphony: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” Materials of the Sixth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, held at the International Research Centre of Traditional Polyphony at Tbilisi State Conservatory on September 24-29, 2012. Editors: Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania. Tbilisi State Conservatory, 2014. 27-38.
Review of the book “Sounding the Depth: Tradition and Sounds of History” by Victor Grauer. The World of Music (New Series) 2 (2013), 2. 174-177.
“Universals in the world’s musics” (Written together with Steven Brown). Psychology of Music 2013, 41(2). 229–48.
“Sexual Selection or Natural Selection? New Look on the Evolution of Human Morphology, Behavior and Art.” Kadmos 3. 2013. 400-416.
“Social Factor in Traditional Polyphony: Definition, Creation, and Performance”. In Multipart music: a specific mode of musical thinking, expressive behaviour and sound. 2012. Materials of the ICTM Polyphony Study Group conference, held in Sardinia, Italy, in 2010. Edited by Ignazio Macchiarella (ed.). Nota, Udine (ISBN 9788861630925). 163-175.
“Vocal polyphony of Asia: Current Problems and Perspectives” in Problems of Traditional Polyphony. Materials of the Fifth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, held at the International Research Centre of Traditional Polyphony at Tbilisi State Conservatory on October 4-9, 2010. Editors: Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania. Tbilisi State Conservatory, 2012. 24-31.
“Should we teach students how to answer questions or how to ask questions? Towards a new educational strategy.” Sutra the thread, A Quarterly Journal for Research on Education, Psychology, Traditional Sciences and Systems, Health and Consciousness. Vol. 8. Materials of the International congress “Revisiting Education Culture Learning and Training Formats for Human Empowerment,” (held in New Delhi, 14-18 January, 2010). New Delhi, 2011. 29-42.
Jordania, Joseph, and Tamaz Gabisonia. "Georgia: Traditional Vocal Polyphony and Folk Terminology". In European Voices II: Cultural Listening and Local Discourse in Multipart Singing Traditions in Europe. Ardian Ahmedaja (ed.). Vienna: Böhlau. 2011. 335-374.
“Sete Ensaios Sobre os Filems Etnograficos de Michel Giacometti”, In Michel Giacometti, Filmografia Completa, Editor: Paulo Lima. Vol. 8. (In Portuguese). 26-39.
“’You are scholars, and of course, you know this better that me:’ Few Remarks on the perception of folklore by the carriers of the traditions and the ethnomusicologists”. In Folklore and Us: Traditional Culture in a Mirror of Perception (Materials of the international conference dedicated to 70th Anniversary of I. I. Zemtsovsky. Editor N. Almeeva. Saint-Petersburg, 2010. (In Russian with English summary). 44-52.
“Georgian Traditional Polyphony in Comparative Studies: History and Perspectives. In Echoes from Georgia: Seventeen Arguments on Georgian Polyphony. Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania. New York: Nova Science, 2010. 229-248.
“Georgian Polyphony in a Century of research” (co-authored with Rusudan Tsurtsumia). In Echoes from Georgia: Seventeen Arguments on Georgian Polyphony. Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania. New York: Nova Science, 2010. xvii-xxii.
“On the origin of Heterophony in Eastern Europe.” Bulletin of Adyghe State University, series “Philology and the Arts”, Maikop, 2009. 229-236.
“Polyphonic Traditions of Mordva and Georgia in the Context of Eurasia”. In Finno-Ugric Musical Traditions in Interethnic Relationships. Edited by N. I. Bojarkin, L. B. Bojarkina, M.V. Loginiva, E.V. Sicheva. Saransk, Mordovian State University Press, 2008: . (In Russian). 115-135.
“Origins of Rhythm and the Defense Strategy of Human Ancestors”, in Problems of Traditional Polyphony. Materials of the Third International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, held at the International Research Centre of Traditional Polyphony at Tbilisi State Conservatory on September 25-29, 2006. Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania. Tbilisi State Conservatory: 2008 (in English and Georgian). 47-65.
“For the Theory of the Emergency of Traditional Polyphony”, in Musical History of Russian Regions¸ Materials of the International Conference held on December 21-22, 2007. Institute of the Arts of the Adyghean State University. Maikop, Adighea, 2007. (In Russian). 140-145.
“Singing, Questioning, Thinking, Talking, Stuttering”. in Musical History of Russian Regions¸ Materials of the International Conference held on December 21-22, 2007. Institute of the Arts of the Adyghean State University. Maikop, Adighea, 2007. 146-150.
“’You are scholars, and of course, you know this better than me:’ Few Remarks on the perception of a folklore by the carriers of traditions and ethnomusicologists”. Bulletin of the Adyghe State University. Series “Philology and Study of Arts” 2(26). 2007. (In Russian). 331-336.
Interrogo Ergo Cogito: Responsorial Singing and the Origins of Human Intelligence”, in Problems of Traditional Polyphony. Materials of the Second International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, held at the International Research Centre of Traditional Polyphony at Tbilisi State Conservatory on September 23-28, 2004. Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania. Tbilisi State Conservatory: 2005 (in English and Georgian). 39-47.
“Multidisciplinary Approach to the Problem of the Origins of Vocal Polyphony”, in Problems of Traditional Polyphony. Materials of the First International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, held at the Research Centre of Traditional Polyphony in Tbilisi on October 2-9, 2002. Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania. Tbilisi State Conservatory: 2003 (in English and Georgian). 79-89.
“Etnomuzikologia: Mezhdisciplinarnie perspektivi” [Ethnomusicology: Interdisciplinary Perspective], in: Collection of Articles of Russian National Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography, Dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Izaly Zemtsovsky. Editor in Chief Nailia Almeeva. Sankt-Petersburg, 2002. (In Russian). 236-249.
“Stuttering in the Chinese Population in Some South-East Asian Countries: A Preliminary Investigation on Attitude and Incidence”. Published as a part of the International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference on (Together with Sheree Reese, USA), October 2001.
“Moral Models and Ethics in the Study of the Origins of choral Polyphony”, in Proceedings of the International Conference “Problems of Traditional Polyphony”, held in Tbilisi, Georgia, 10-15th November 1998. Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia et al. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State Conservatory, 2001. (In English and Georgian). 328–343.
“Georgia: Traditional Music”, in: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Revised Edition. Editor in Chief: Stanley Sadie. Vol. 8. (Together with Grigol Chkhikvadze), 2001. 669-680.
“The Incidence of Stuttering among Chinese: Preliminary Investigation”. In Speech, Language and Hearing Association News, volume 5, Issue 2, April-May, Singapore, 2001. 2-3.
“Georgia”, in: Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Vol. 8 Europe. Editors: Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen. New York: Garland Publishing, 2000. 826-849.
“North Caucasia”, in: Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Vol. 8 Europe. Editors: Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen. New York: Garland Publishing, 2000. 850-865.
“Question Intonation, Speech Pathologies, and the Origins of Polyphony”, in: Proceedings of the International Conference “Problems of Traditional Polyphony”, held in Tbilisi, Georgia, 10-15th November 1998. Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia. Tbilisi State Conservatory (in Georgian with extended English Summary), 2000. 143-155.
“Polyphonies vocales de Svanétie”, in: Géorgie. Chœur Riho de Mestia: Polyphonies vocales de Haute-Svanetie, CD. Foreword and comments written by Joseph Jordania. Paris: Inedit, Maison des Cultures du Monde, 1999. 2-5 (in French), 13-16 (in English).
“Ivane Javakhishvili: Kartuli musikis istoriis dziritadi sakitxebi” [Ivane Javakhishvili. Main Problems of the History of Georgian Music], in: Ivane Javakhishvili. Works in 12 Volumes. (Editing, foreword and notes by Joseph Jordania). Editor in Chief Mariam Lortkipanidze. Volume 11. Tbilisi: Mecniereba, 1998 (in Georgian). 672-677.
“Perspective of Interdisciplinary Research of Part-Singing Phenomenon”, in Ethnomusicology and Historical Musicology - Common Goals, Shared Methodologies? Erich Stockmann zum 70 Geburtstag. Edited by Christoph-Hellmut Mahling and Stephan Munch. Tutzing: Verlegt Bei Hans Schneider, 1997. 211-216.
“memkvibreobitobis problema kartul xalxur sasimgero shemokmedebashi: shedarebiti aspekti” [Heredity Problem in Georgian Folk Music: Interdisciplinary Aspect], in: Proceedings of the Discussion “Question of Heredity in the History of Georgian Culture”. Edited by Elguja Dadunashvili. Institute of the Literature of Georgian Academy of Science, Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of Science Press. 1996 (in Georgian). 22-24.
“tradiciuli mravalxmianoba: musika msmenelis gareshe” [Traditional polyphony: Performance without a Listeners], in: Proceedings of the 35th conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of Science Press. 1996 (in Georgian.). 11-12.
“East Europe and Big Musical Families of European Continent”. Abstract of the Conference of the Georgian National Committee of CIOFF. The Republican Centre of Folk Art and Culture. Tbilisi, 1996 (in English and Georgian). 9-10.
“mravalxmianoba, tvinis funkcionaluri asimetria da mxatvrobis erti stiluri taisebureba agmosavlet aziashi” [Polyphony, Brain Asymmetry, and Stylistic Peculiarity of Visual Arts in Eastern Asia], in: Proceedings of the 34th conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of Science Press, 1995 (in Georgian). 35-37.
“Georgian Chants”, in: Georgian Chants. Collection of Georgian Medieval Church-Songs. Edited by Tamar Gochiashvili, Pg. XV. Tbilisi: Georgian Patriarchate Press, 1995. 3-8.
Georgian Ethnomusicologists at the International Conferences. Georgian Folklore. Information Bulletin, 1995, 2. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of Science Press. 28-31.
“intonaciuri elementi metkvelebashi da misi genetikuri tsinamdzgvrebi” [Intonation Element in Language and it's Genetic Foundations], in Proceedings of the 33rd conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi, 1994, Georgian Academy of Science Press (in Georgian). 15-17.
“Angemitonika i Gemitonika” [Anhetony and Hemitony], in “Pentatonic System in the Context of the World Musical cultures”, Proceedings of the International Conference, held at Kazan State Conservatory on 1-2 November 1993. Ed. in Chief L.B.Brazhnik. Kazan: Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, 1995. 40-42.
“tonuri enebi: ori epokis zgvarze” [Tone Languages: On the Edge of Two Epochs], in: Proceedings of the 53rd Conference of Georgian Institute of Linguistics. Edited by Besarion Jorbenadze. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of Science Press, 1994 (in Georgian). 25-26.
Problems of Polyphony - The Center of Attention. Georgian Folklore. Information Bulletin, 1994,1. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of Science Press. 33-35.
Georgian Traditional Polyphony in an International Context of Polyphonic Cultures. A short summary of thesis, in: Georgian Folklore. Information Bulletin. 1994, 1. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of Science Press. 9-12.
“K voprosu sravnitel’nogo izuchenia moduliacionnyh planov Gruzinskih narodnyh protiazhnyh pesen’” [Problem of Comparative Study of Modulation Plans of Georgian Long Songs], in: Shalva Aslanishvili: Musician, Scientist, Teacher. Edited by Erna P. Meskhishvili. Moscow: Kompozitor, 1993 (in Russian). 280-292.
“skesis factori enobrivi da musikaluri movlenebis kvlevashi” [Gender Factor in Musicological and Linguistic Studies], in Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of Georgian Institute of Linguistic. Edited by Besarion Jorbenadze. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of Science Press, 1993 (in Georgian). 39-40.
“krimanchuli: movlena da termini” [Krimanchuli (Georgian term for the yodel): Phenomenon and the Term], in: Proceedings of the 32nd conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of Science Press, 1993 (in Georgian). 42-45.
Muzika i genetika [Music and Genetics]. 50/50, 1993,17:5 and 1993,18:4 (National Newspaper, 4500 words, in Russian). 3-6.
indoevropelebis problema musikaluri monacemebis shukze [Problem of Indo-Europeans in the Light of Musical Data]. Matsne, Bulletin of the Academy of Science of Georgia, Serial of History, Ethnography and Arts History. 1992, 3 (in Georgian with Russian summary). 42-55.
Mnogogolosie i zaikanie [Polyphony and Stuttering]. Novaia Gazeta 1992, 11. (National Newspaper, 3500 words, in Russian). 10.
“dialogurobis penomeni musikasa da enashi” [Dialogue Phenomenon in Speech and Music], in: Proceedings of the 31st conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of Science Press. 1992 (in Georgian). pg. 28-30.
Pogovorim o mnogogolosii [Let Us Talk about Polyphony]. Musical Georgia, 1991, 1 (in Russian). 12-14.
“xalxuri mravalxmianoba da iafeturi teoria” [Traditional Polyphony and the Japhetic Theory], in: Proceedings of the 30th conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Mecniereba. 1991 (in Georgian). 33-36.
“musikaluri paleographia, mravalxmianoba da ertxmianoba” [Musical Palaeography, Polyphony and Monophony], in: Proceedings of the 29th conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Mecniereba, 1990 (in Georgian). 9-12.
Narodno mnogoglasie, etnogenez i rasogenez [Folk Polyphony, Ethnogenesis and Race Genesis]. Muzikalni Xorizonti 1989, 5. Bulgaria, Sofia, (in Bulgarian). 20-29.
"Noviy vzgliad na muzikal’nuiu Kul’turu narodov drevnei Perednei Azii: k voprosy mnogogolosia” [Re-assessment of Musical Traditions of Ancient Middle Eastern Peoples: The Problem of Polyphony], in: Folk music: History and Typology. Edited by Izaly Zemtsovsky. Leningrad: Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinema Press. 1989 (in Russian). 75-80.
“mravalxmianobis tradiciebi sakartvelos mtis zogiert regionshi” [Polyphonic Traditions in some Mountain Regions of Georgia], in: Proceedings of the 28th conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Mecniereba. 1989 (in Georgian). 30-32.
Besedy o Gruzinskom mnogogolosii: k istokam [On Georgian Polyphony: Up to the Origins], Molodezh’ Gruzii, 1989, 22/4 (in Russian). 4.
Narodnoe mnogogolosie, etnogenez i rasogenez” [Folk Polyphony, Ethnogenesis and Race Genesis]. Sovietskaia Etnografia 1988, 2 (in Russian with English summary). 23-33.
"Genezis mnogogolosia i problema proisxozhdenia chlenorazdel’noi rechi” [Origins of Polyphony and the Problem of Geneses of Articulated Speech], in: Proceedings of the conference ’Problems of Traditional Polyphony’. Edited by Joseph Jordania. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State University Press. 1988 (in Russian). 21-23.
“ingilouri musikaluri folkloris pirveli dazvervis shedegebi” [First Results of Observation of Musical Folklore of Saingilo Region], in: Proceedings of the 27th conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Mecniereba, 1988 (in Georgian). 56-58.
“kalakuri musika” [Urban Music], in: Georgian Soviet Encyclopedia, in 10 Volumes. Editor in Chief Irakli Abashidze, vol. 9. Tbilisi: Encyclopedia, 1988 (4 200 words, in Georgian). 677-679.
khalkhuri mravalkhmianobis shedarebiti shescavlis perspektivebi [Perspective of Comparative Study of Folk Polyphony]. Sabchota Khelovneba 1987 (in Georgian with Russian Summary). 67-73.
“shumeruli da kartuli musikaluri paralelebis sakitxisatvis” [On Parallels Between Sumerian and Georgian Music], in: Proceedings of the 26th conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Mecniereba. 1987 (in Georgian). 15-17.
Mnogogolosie i etnogenez [Polyphony and Ethno-Genesis], in: Proceedings of the International conference ‘Problems of Traditional Polyphony’, held in Borjomi, Georgia, 9-13 November 1986. Edited by Joseph Jordania. Tbilisi, 1986 (in Russian). 11-13.
“Muzikal’nii iazyk, muzikal’naia kul’tura i mnogogolosie” [Musical Language, Musical Culture and Polyphony], in: Proceedings of the conference “Problems of Genesis and Specificity of an Early Forms of Musical Culture”, held in Dilijan, Armenia, on 24-30 October 1986. Erevan: Academy of Science of Armenia (in Russian). 32-33.
“xalxuri mravalxmianoba da musikaluri azrovnebis principebis genetikuri simkarris sakitxi” [Folk Polyphony and the Problem of Genetic Stability of the Principles of Musical Thinking], in: Proceedings of the 25th conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Mecniereba. 1986 (in Georgian). 16-17.
“K voprosu vozniknovenia burdonnogo trexgolosia v Gruzinskom narodnom muzikal’nom tvorchestve” [Problem of Emergence of Three-Part Drone Polyphony in Georgian Folk Music], in: Problems of Traditional Polyphony, compiled and edited by Joseph Jordania. Tbilisi: Sabchota Sakartvelo. 1985 (in Georgian with English summary). 21-24.
“kartuli xalxuri mravalxmianobis genetikuri kavshirebi msoplios xalxta mravalxmian musikalur shemokmedebastan” [Genetic Relationship of Georgian Folk Polyphony with the Polyphonic Traditions of the World Peoples], in: Proceedings of the 24th conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Mecniereba, 1985 (in Georgian). 19-21.
kartuli xalxuri mravalxmianobis sakitxisatvis [On Georgian Folk Polyphony]. Sabchota Xelovneba 1985, 2 (in Georgian with Russian summary). 52-54.
Georgian Folk-Singing: Its Sources, Emergence and Modern Development. International Social Science Journal 1984, Vol. 36, No. 3. Paris, UNESCO (in English, French, Spanish, Arabian, Chinese). 537-549.
termin “chakrulos” dadgenisatvis [On the Origins of the Term “Chakrulo”]. Sabchota Xelovneba 1984, 3 (in Georgian with Russian summary). 66-68.
“harmoniuli funkcionalizmis sakitxisatvis kartul xalxur simgerebshi” [On Harmonic Functionality in Georgian Folk Songs], in: Scale, Melody and Rhythm of Georgian Folk Music. Editor in Chief Alexander Shaverzashvili. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of Science Press, 1983 (in Georgian with Russian summary). 53-71.
“monotonikuri kilouri sistema - kartuli xalxuri musikis sapudzveli” [Monotonic Scale System - Basis of Georgian Folk Music], in: Proceedings of the 22nd conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Mecniereba. 1983 (in Georgian). 53-55.
“musika” [Music], in: Georgian Soviet Encyclopedia, in 10 Volumes. Editor in Chief Irakli Abashidze, vol. 5. Tbilisi: Encyclopedia, 1983 (4 200 words, in Georgian). 804-805.
“musikaluri instrumentebi” [Musical Instruments], in: Georgian Soviet Encyclopedia, in 10 Volumes. Editor in Chief Irakli Abashidze, vol. 5. Tbilisi: Encyclopedia, 1983 (4 000 words, in Georgian). 806-808.
Moduliacia v burdonnix pesniax Vostochnoi Gruzii [Modulations in Drone Polyphonic Songs of East Georgia]. Tbilisi: Georgian State Institute of Theatre Press. 1982, 26 pages (in Russian).
kartuli xalxuri simgera [Georgian Folk Song]. Programme for the musical schools of Georgia for the subject “Georgian Folk Song”. Tbilisi, Methodical Centre of Georgian Ministry of Culture. 1982, 30 pages (in Georgian).
“kartuli xalxuri musikaluri azrovnebis erti dziritadi principis shesaxeb” [On One of the Most Important Principles of Musical Thinking in Georgian Folk Music], in: Proceedings of the 21st conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Mecniereba. 1982 (in Georgian). 48-51.
‘chakrulosa’ da ‘grdzeli kaxuri mravalzhamieris’ zogierti taviseburebis shesaxeb [On Some Peculiarities of ‘Chakrulo’ and ‘Long Kakhetian Mravalzhamier’]. Sabchota Xelovneba 1981, 12 (in Georgian with Russian summary). 58-62.
‘chakrolos’ carmoshobisa da ganvitarebis sakitxebi” [Question of Origins and Development of “Chakrulo”], in: Proceedings of the 20th conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Mecniereba. 1981 (in Georgian). 45-48.
“kartuli musika sazgvargaret” [Georgian Music Abroad], in: Georgian Soviet Encyclopedia, in 10 Volumes. Additional vol. ‘Georgia’. Editor in Chief Irakli Abashidze. Tbilisi: Encyclopedia, 1981 (in Georgian and Russian). 455-458.
Gruusialaisten kansanlaulujen alkuperäisestä polyfoniasta ja harmoniasta [Original Forms of Harmony and Polyphony in Georgian Folk Songs]. Musiikki, 1980, 4. Helsinki (in Finnish). 215-227.
“modulacia didi sekundit zevit kartl-kaxur burdonul simgerebshi” [Modulations on a Major Second Up in Kartli-Kaxetian Drone Songs], in: Collection of Articles of Tbilisi State Conservatory, 1980, 8 (in Georgian with Russian summary). 38-56.
erti kartuli kadansis shesaxeb [On One Georgian Cadence]. Sabchota Khelovneba, 1980, 1 (in Georgian with Russian summary). 80-83.
‘grdzeli kaxuri mravalzhamieris’ carmoshobis problema” [Problem of the Emergence of ‘Long Kakhetian Mravalzhamier’], in: Proceedings of the 19th conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli. Tbilisi: Mecniereba. 1980 (in Georgian). 54-56.
“modulacia, rogorc formacarmomkmneli factori agmosavlet sakartvelos burdonul simgerebshi” [Modulation as the Factor of Musical Structure in Drone songs of East Georgia], in: Proceedings of the 4th Plenum of Union of Georgian Composers. Tbilisi, 1980 (in Georgian and Russian). 23-25.
“modulacia patara da didi terciit kvevit” [Modulation on Minor and Major Third Down], in: Collection of Articles of Tbilisi State conservatory, 1979, 7 (in Georgian, with Russian summary). 68-80.
Delivered papers at International Conferences and Symposia:
· 2024. 30 Septemer-5 October, Melbourne, Australia, ISBE (International Society of Behavioral Ecology) Congress. TITLE: “Defense Strategies in Early Human Evolution”
· 2024. 26-30 October, Georgia, Tbilisi State Conservatory, Twelfth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi. (By zoom). TITLE: “Making a Strong Visual and Audio Impression on a Target Audience as a Common Evolutionary Source of Group Dance and Polyphonic Singing (On evolution of rhythm and harmony)”
'· 2023. 22-26 June, Tbilisi, Georgia, International Interdisciplinary Conference “Defense Strategies in Early Human Evolution.” (By zoom). TITLE: “Warning Display as a Strategy of Defense and Offense in Early Human Evolution”
· 2022. 25-30 September, Georgia, Tbilisi State Conservatory, Eleventh International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi. (By zoom). TITLE: “Many Faces of Ethnomusicology”
· 2020. 24-38 October, Georgia, Tbilisi State Conservatory, Tenth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi. TITLE: “The Origins of Pop and Rock Music in the Light of the Primordial Binary Function of Music”
· 2018. 26-30 October, Georgia, Tbilisi State Conservatory, Nenets International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi. TITLE: “Stable and Mobile Elements of Polyphonic Texture: Historical Aspect”
· 2017. 5-9 September. Tbilisi State Conservatory. The 33rd European Seminar in Ethnomusicology (ESEM). TITLE: “Shaping Ethnomusicology: from the 19th to 21st Centuries”
· 2017. 30 July – 4th August, Estoril, Portugal, “Behaviour” a joint meeting of the 35th International Ethological Conference (IEC) and the 2017 Summer Meeting of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB). TITLE: “Conspicuousness and Behaviour in Human Evolution”
· 2016. 26-30 September, Georgia, Tbilisi State Conservatory, Eights International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi. TITLE: “Cross-Cultural Study of Geographical Dynamics of Traditional Polyphony”
· 2016. 2-4 August, UK, Exeter University. Ecological Behaviorist’s “Anti-Predator Coloration Symposium.” Exeter, UK. TITLE: “Aposematism in Music”
· 2014. 22-26 September, Georgia, Tbilisi State Conservatory, Seventh International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi. TITLE: “National Minorities, Traditional Polyphony, Cultural Policy and State Borders”
· 2013. 27 -30 November, Melbourne, Australia. Music, Mind & Health Conference, organized by Australian Music Psychology Society. TITLE: “Choral Lullaby and Killer Silence: Community and Music”
· 2012. 25-29 September, Georgia, Tbilisi State Conservatory, Sixth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi. TITLE: “Comparative Study of Traditional Polyphony: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”
· 2011. November 4-7, Beijing China. International conference “China Meets Japan” at the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music. Beijing, China. TITLE: “Comparative study of the Polyphony in Japan and China”
· 2011. October 16-18, France, Corsica, International Festival of Corsican and Georgian Polyphony. Corsica, Ajaccio. TITLE: “Georgian and Corsican Polyphony: Comparison”
· 2011, January 12-15, World Education Culture Congress. Delhi, India. TITLE: “Should we teach students how to answer questions or how to ask questions? Towards a new educational strategy”
· 2010, 4-8 October, Georgia, Tbilisi State Conservatory, Fifth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi. TITLE: “Traditional Polyphony in Asia: Problems and Perspectives”
· 2010, 10-15 September, Italy. The First Meeting of ISTM Study Group on Traditional Polyphony, Cagliari, Sardinia. TITLE: “Social Factor in Traditional Polyphony: Definition, Creation, and Performance”
· 2008, 23-25 October, Austria, University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, International Symposium “European Voices: Cultural Listening and Local Discourse in Multipart Singing Traditions in Europe”, Vienna. TITLE: “Vocal polyphony in Europe: Attempt of Classification from a Historical Perspective”
· 2008, 15-19 September, Georgia, Tbilisi State Conservatory, Fourth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi. TITLE: “Music and Emotion: Humming in the Beginning of Human History”
· 2007, 24 October, USA, Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM) pre-Conference Symposium, Ohio University, Columbus. TITLE: “The Origins of Music and Musical Universals: Perspectives of Cognitive Ethnomusicology”
· 2007, 4-6 October, Portugal, International Colloquium “Multipart Singing in Europe: Historical Trajectories and Current Perspectives”, Portel. TITLE: “Vocal polyphony in Europe: Attempt of Classification from a Historical Perspective”
· 2006, 25-29 September, Georgia, Tbilisi State Conservatory, Third International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi. TITLE: “Origin of Rhythm and the Defense Strategy of Human Ancestors”
· 2004, 23-27 September, Georgia, Tbilisi State Conservatory, Second International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi. TITLE: “Interrogo Ergo Cogito”: “I am Asking Questions, Therefore I Think”: Responsorial Singing and the Origins of Human Intelligence“
· 2002, 2-9 October, Georgia, Tbilisi State Conservatory, First International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Tbilisi. TITLE: “Multidisciplinary Approach to the Problem of the Origins of Choral Polyphony”
· 2001, 5-11 July, Brazil, Federal University of Brazil, 36th International Conference of ICTM, Rio de Janeiro. TITLE: “Traditional polyphony in Comparative perspective”
· 1999, 6-9 May, USA, Chicago University, 1st Biannual Chicago Conference on Caucasia, Chicago. Title “Eastern and Western Georgian Musical Dialects”
· 1999, 1-5 April, UK, Wales, ‘Centre for Performance Research’, International Conference ‘Divinity of Voice’, Cardiff. TITLE: “Performance Practices in Contemporary Georgia”
· 1997, 9-11 May, USA, Chicago University, USA, 7th International conference on the cultures of Caucasia, Chicago. TITLE: “Polyphony and Monophony in Caucasia”
· 1995, 5-9 April, UK, Wales, ‘Centre for Performance Research’, International conference "Geography of Voice", Cardiff. TITLE: “Supra Traditions: Table Polyphony in Georgia”
· 1994, 9-12 January, UK, Wales, ‘Centre for Performance Research’, International conference “Performance, Food and Cookery”, Cardiff. TITLE: “Review of Georgian Musical Traditions”
· 1991, 23-28 September, Switzerland, 8th ESEM conference “The Role of Ethnomusicology in Contemporary Society”, Geneva. TITLE: “Study of Polyphony in Ethnomusicology”
· 1991, 21-23 March, Germany. Johannes Gutenberg University, ICTM and IMC conference “Ethnomusicology and Historical Musicology - Common Goals, Shared Methodologies?” Mainz. TITLE: “Perspective of Interdisciplinary Research of Part-Singing Phenomenon”
· 1989, 17-20 October, Russia, Federal Centre of Speech Pathology conference
“Treating and Rehabilitation of Patients with the Impaired Speech”, Moscow. TITLE: “Crosscultural study of stuttering: Perspectives from Music”
· 1989, 29 August - 5 September, Bulgaria, Bulgarian Academy of Science, 6th International Congress of Study of South - East Europe, Sofia. TITLE: “Perspectives of Comparative Study of Polyphony in Balkans”
Delivered lectures and seminars in ethnomusicology:
· Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK (1994), TITLE: “Characterisics of Georgian Traditional Polyphony: Scale System and Harmony”
· Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (1996, 1997), TITLE, 1996: “Asking questions: on the origins of Music and Language”. TITLE 1997: Dissonances in World Polyphonic Cultures: Some Considerations”
· Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia (1997, 1998). TITLE: 1997 “Origins of Music, Language, and Human Intelligence”. TITLE 1998: “Georgian Traditional Polyphony Today”
· University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, USA (1997, 1999, 2008). TITLE 1997: “Georgian and North Caucasian Traditional Music in Comparative Peprspective”. TITLE 1999: “East and West Georgia: Commonalities and Differences”. TITLE 2008: “Teaching World Polyphonic Styles”
· College of France, Paris, France (1999, 2008, 2011). TITLE 1999 “Georgian Polyphony and Scales with Augmented Octaves”. TITLE 2008: “World Polyphopnies in Comaparative Persective”. TITLE 2011 “Georgian and Corsican Polyphony”
· Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA (2007). TITLE: “Origins of Polyphony amd Origins of Music”
· Speech Pathology Dept, Kean University, New Jersey, USA (2007). TITLE: Why Do Chinese Not Stutter?”
· Columbia University, New York, USA (2007). TITLE: Georgian Polyphony around the World”
· Manuel de Falla Conservatory of Music, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2013). TITLE: “The Beatles Legacy: Harmony and Polyphony”
· Federal University of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (2013). TITLE: Comparative Stury of World Polyphony: Prospects”
· Ethnomusicology dept of University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana (2015). TITLE: “Humming and Silence in Humans”
· The University of Bologna, Conservatorio di musica Giovanni Battista Martini (2018). TITLE: “Georgian Traditional Polyphony and Harmony”
Organized International Conferences and Symposia
Joseph Jordania is the author of the idea, convenor, main organiser and the editor of published materials of the series of international conferences “Problems of Traditional Polyphony”, held in Georgia: Borjomi (1986, 1988) and Tbilisi, 1984, 1988, 2000), and one of the organizers of the series of International Symposia “Problems of Traditional Polyphony” held at Tbilisi State Conservatory (2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024). With the help of UNESCO and funding from the Japanese government, these conferences led to the establishment of the Research Centre of Traditional Polyphony at Tbilisi State Conservatory in 2003.
In 2021 established “Jim Corbett International Research Center” at Tbilisi Grigol Robakidze University, and as the Director of the Center, organized an International Interdisciplinary Conference “Defense Strategies in Early Human Evolution” in 2023 (online conference). Co-editor (with J. Wade) of the published book of materials.
Ethnomusicological Fieldworks
in Georgia (since 1976), and several other regions of the World, where there are live traditions of vocal polyphony: Corsica, Sardinia, Italian Alps, Bulgaria, Japan, Tibet, Argentina, Brazil, and Kenya.
Radio and TV appearances
in Georgia, Australia (ABC Radio; Triple M;), UK (BBC Radio 2) and USA (Voice of America), as well on the National TV programs in Georgia (Rustavi 2; Iveria), Australia (ABC, SBS) and New Zealand (TV NZ).
Other relevant information
· During 1979 – 1983 Joseph Jordania was elected as the President of the Board of Creative Youth of Tbilisi and the President of the Club of Creative Youth of Georgia “Amirani”.
· During 1982 – 1991 Joseph Jordania was the head of ethnomusicology board of experts of the Georgian State Encyclopedia.
· During 1983 – 1992 Joseph Jordania was invited by the Ministry of Culture and Education of Georgia as advisor and lecturer on methods of teaching ethnomusicology (for the teachers of the secondary schools).
· During 1981 – 1995 Joseph Jordania was a “Category 2” performer (guitar) of the Georgian State Performance Society (concert performances as soloist and as a member of Georgian Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, recordings, National Radio and TV appearances).
· Since 1985 Joseph Jordania had been providing professional consultations in ethnomusicology and musicology to the individual researchers, ensembles of Georgian traditional music, as well as organisations (including UNESCO board of ethnomusicology and Kronos Quartet).