MBP - Musik- und Bewegungspädagogik

With its artistic major subject of Rhythmics, this degree programme aims to provide pedagogical-didactic and artistic-academic pre-professional training to music and movement educators who aim to teach at educational institutions and/or pursue freelance teaching careers.

Special emphases are possible in the interest of providing in-depth training for specific fields of work.

By initiating, sensitising, diversifying, and lending reflectivity to learning processes involving perception, creativity, and individual expressive and creative abilities as they pertain to the media of music and movement, to communication, and to cooperation, this programme of study makes a substantial contribution to the development of (teachers’) personalities. Above and beyond their specialised artistic and pedagogical competencies, students should come to recognise the importance of professional initiative and commitment as well as openness and a constant willingness to learn in this line of work—and as graduates, they should be in a position to seize upon professional opportunities as well as to enter new areas of activity.