Mag.a Elisabeth Reisinger, BA
Senior Scientist
Principal Investigator (Senior Postdoc) – FWF-funded project “Performers as Commissioners of New Music in the Twentieth Century”
Room A 04 17
Seilerstätte 26, A-1010 Vienna

Research Topics
- Promotion/funding of music by performers (20th cent.)
- Encounters of diverse musical genres, especially "classical" music and jazz (20th cent.)
- Austrian musicians in exile and emigration in the US (20th cent.)
- Performance, reception and context of Franz Liszt's music in Rome (19th cent.)
- Court/aristocratic music culture in the German-speaking region (18th/early 19th cent.)
- Cultural and social history of music
Short Bio
Elisabeth Reisinger studied musicology and history at the University of Vienna, where she was engaged in several research projects on music at the Bonn Court in the late eighteenth century (2013–2018). In 2019, she was a postdoc fellow at the Austrian Historical Institute in Rome and subsequently at Harvard University’s Department of Music. In August 2020, she returned to the University of Vienna to complete her FWF-Schrödinger-project on Benny Goodman. Before she started her current position at the mdw, she held a short term research fellowship by the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel. Since 2017, she has been Secretary General of the Austrian Society for Musicology.
Reisinger’s research articulates a relational conception of music as a vibrant and dynamic sociocultural practice, driven by a specific interest in the relationships, networks, and agencies of musical actors, as well as the dynamics in the field of patronage. While in her diploma thesis she dealt with the institutional structures and economies in which musicians were embedded in the early nineteenth century, her dissertation was positioned in the field of patronage research and focused on Maximilian Franz of Habsburg-Lorraine, Elector of Cologne, as a musical actor and patron in the second half of the eighteenth century. In an additional research project on Franz Liszt, Reisinger further focused on one performer and broadened her research scope in the fields of performance and reception history. In her current project, she highlights the economic and creative involvement of performers in processes of musical creation and repertoire formation.
Research Projects (as PI)
- “Performers as Commissioners of New Music in the Twentieth Century: Preconditions, Self-Conceptions, Impacts” (FWF – Austrian Science Fund, 10/2021–09/2026, at mdw)
- “Antoinette Vischer und neue Musik für das Cembalo des 20. Jahrhunderts” (Paul Sacher Foundation, Basel, 09/2021)
- “Classical Compositions Commissioned by Benny Goodman: Artistic Strategies, References, and Controversies” (FWF – Austrian Science Fund, 09/2019–08/2021, at Harvard University & the University of Vienna)
- “Die italienischen Erstaufführungen von Werken Liszts durch Giovanni Sgambati und ihre Bedeutung für die zeitgenössische Liszt-Rezeption in Rom, 1861–1869” (ROM-Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 01–07/2019, at the Austrian Historical Institute in Rome)
Grants, Fellowships, Awards
- Elise Richter-Grant, FWF – Austrian Science Fund (2021–2026)
- Research Fellowship of the Paul Sacher Foundation (2021)
- Erwin Schrödinger-Grant, FWF – Austrian Science Fund (2019–2021)
- ROM-Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2019)
- Printing Cost Grant of the Siblings Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation for the Humanities (2018)
- Dissertation Award of the “Society of Friends of the Department for Musicology of the University of Vienna” (2018)
- Dissertation Completion Grant of the University of Vienna (2016)
Further Activities
- Secretary General of the Austrian Society for Musicology (ÖGMw)
- Representative of the ÖGMw in the Network of European Musicological Societies
- Advisory Board Member of AN:klang (Journal of the “Junge Musikwissenschaft” of the ÖGMw)
- Memberships: ÖGMw – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft | GfM – Gesellschaft für Musikforschung | SAM – Society for American Music | AMS – American Musicological Society | IMS – International Musicological Society (SG “Gender and Musical Patronage”) | ICA – International Clarinet Association
Upcoming Lectures / Conference Papers / Events
“Bach breaks out and goes to town: Gender, Class, and White Privilege in Jazzing the Classics” (guest lecture as part of an ERASMUS+ Teaching Mobility, on the topic “Intersectional Perspectives on Musical Crossovers,” at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music in Budapest, 25 March 2025)
For a report about the International Workshop “Historical Perspectives on Musical Commissions”, May 17, 2024, see the project's website
» complete list of lectures and conference papers
Recent Publications
“‘Some Sort of Machine Without a Body’ György Ligeti and Antoinette Vischer Explore the Modern Harpsichord,” Studia Musicologica 64/1-2 (2023), 75-91
“More Than One ‘Double Life’: Artistic Conceptions, Networks, and Negotiations in Benny Goodman’s Commissions to Paul Hindemith and Darius Milhaud,” Journal of the Society for American Music 17/2 (2023), 101–125
“‘To realize in America what has become impossible in Europe’: Excavating Erich Simon’s Life for Music (1907–1994),” Journal of Austrian-American History 6/1 (2022), 44–73
» complete list of publications