Nachwuchsforschung an der mdw
Since 2010, the mdw has been conferring its Best Publication Award on young researchers every three years to recognise outstanding dissertations written at the university.
Since 2010, the mdw has been conferring its Best Publication Award on young researchers every three years to recognise outstanding dissertations written at the university.
“Understanding the World from Within and as Part of it…”
Soziologische, wissenstheoretische und musikwissenschaftliche Perspektiven.
Nach der Gründung des österreichischen Forschungsnetzwerks PopNet Austria fand von 1. bis 3. Dezember 2016 erneut eine Tagung zur Popularmusikforschung in Österreich statt.
The seventh edition of the Vienna Music Business Research Days featured the comparatively new theme of career centres at universities of music.
The mdw project Akademische Integrität [Academic Integrity] ensures a high standard of quality for degree theses, and its active implementation is making waves.
Individuals working in intellectually creative capacities are always dependent on access to existing ideas. After all, only by examining what already exists can new things be created.
Musik, Gender, Differenz. Intersektionale Perspektiven auf musikkulturelle Felder und Aktivitäten
Art and research connect at the Department of Popular Music: a survey of the research project Performing Diversity and a look back at the experimental concert Clash Concerty.