Mozart’s Music, Interpreted Anew by mdw Students

It all came together in September: “Mythos Mozart”, a brand-new multimedia experience covering 1,500 square metres beneath the Steffl department store that invites visitors to immerse themselves in Mozart’s world, officially opened its doors to the public. Works such as the famous Requiem or Die Zauberflöte, which Mozart composed in his final Viennese residence at this very spot (on Rauhensteingasse), have been given fresh renditions by mdw students that will now be experienced by Mythos Mozart’s visitors.

Mythos Mozart © Marcus Deak

The recordings in question were produced under the direction of Stefan Gottfried (Department of Early Music) and Alois Glaßner (Department of Conducting) in the studio of Synchron Stage Vienna, located on the site of the old Rosenhügel film studios, with the production process overseen technically by the mdw’s AV Center as well as Tonmeisters from the University. In preparation, the works to be recorded were first rehearsed and performed in concert as part of regular mdw coursework.

The mdw, as the Mythos Mozart project’s exclusive artistic partner, engaged in continuous close exchange with the project’s musical director Walter Werzowa as well as with Christopher Widauer, its artistic director. 50 special projectors, a dozen big screens, around 200 loudspeakers, and an innovative room acoustics system have been installed in these spaces in the first district to make the recorded works come alive. Visitors spend ca. 55 minutes moving through a total of fivedifferent environments, beginning in a sacred-seeming spacewith 1,500 candles, projected shadows, and sounds from the Requiem.

Mythos Mozart © Marcus Deak

Information and tickets:

Find out more about how the recordings for Mythos Mozart were created, have a look behind the scenes:

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