Art and research may not be things that one would directly associate with each other at first blush. But it’s just this relationship that the following pages explore—with insights on the development of artistic research both in general and at the mdw, an introduction to the University’s currently running artistic research projects, and a look into the future of this field. So get ready to experience just how diverse artistic research can be … and learn why it’s a good idea for us to probe the supposed “boundaries” of our knowledge again and again!

Potenziale künstlerischer Forschung*

Künstlerische Forschung an der mdw – Rückblick und Ausblick

Kreative (Miss)Verständnisse – Methodologien der Inspiration

Interdisziplinäre Projektvielfalt: Neun Artistic-Research-Pilotprojekte an der mdw

Endlich dort, wo der Pfeffer wächst – 88 Tage in Indien



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