Special birthdays make it possible to regard artists’ works in a new light, reinterpret them, and perhaps also spot things that had previously gone undiscovered, with new approaches to familiar things facilitating the understanding of new aspects. In this spirit, the current special invites you to find out just how multifaceted the outstanding composers Anton Bruckner and Arnold Schönberg were. You can also read about how their activities as teachers remain influential today and are now paid tribute by an innovative new award and intriguing sets of upcoming events celebrating the 200th birthday of Anton Bruckner and the 150th of Arnold Schönberg.

„Lehrer bin ich aus Leidenschaft.“ Schönberg als Lehrer

Der Lehrer Anton Bruckner

Faszination Arnold Schönberg: Ulrike Anton im Gespräch

20BRUCKNER24: Ein Fest für den Unzeitgemäßen


Triangel der Wiener Tradition: Zemlinsky – Schönberg – Hoffmann

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