“Good Sound is Our Obsession” – A Day with the mdw’s Streaming Team
Concerts, panel discussions, ceremonies, and opera performances: more and more mdw events can now be streamed live as well as watched after the fact via the mdwMediathek.
Concerts, panel discussions, ceremonies, and opera performances: more and more mdw events can now be streamed live as well as watched after the fact via the mdwMediathek.
Since 2005, the violist Wei-Ya Lin (who has since also become an ethnomusicologist) and Johannes Kretz (a composer specialised in electronic sound production) have been paying regular visits to the Tao community.
This anthology arose as a follow-up publication to a 2015 conference with which the mdw’s Department of Music Sociology celebrated 50 years of existence.
“The body already does a lot of things right on its own; the training that we do here acts as a ‘helping hand’,” says Aleksandar Acev, who’s been a professor of basic physical training and physical theatre at the Max Reinhardt Seminar since this October.
In May 2019, a very special transformational concert set an entire school building resonating and reverberating.
With knowledge becoming increasingly digitised and access to knowledge consequently becoming more or less unlimited, upholding academic integrity at university-level institutions worldwide is more important than ever.
On 15 October, “Musiktherapie mit Geflüchteten” [Music Therapy with Refugees]—a cooperative project of the mdw and the organisation Integrationshaus—was awarded this year’s MYKI-Kinderschutzpreis [Child Protection Prize] in one of its four categories.