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Searching the African Footprint

Starting with a concert in the Main Hall of the Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw, the MIAGI Orchestra—led by David Christopher Panzl—will be presenting entirely self-composed and -arranged material that will go on to be heard at venues including the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg as well as Konzerthaus Berlin. Panzl has been working together with the South African organisation for several years.


Cooperation with Solo Musica

Our university’s cooperation with the Munich-based classical recording label Solo Musica represents the latest step toward rendering the outstanding achievements of mdw students even more visible and audible. The first such project to have been realised is a recording with the Chaos String Quartet.

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Critiques of Power

From 25 to 27 April 2024, the mdw will be hosting an international event centred on “Critiques of Power in the Arts”. The individual topics to be covered include epistemic violence, hierarchies in the arts, power in cultural policy and management, global asymmetries, identity in crisis and many more.


SPOTLIGHT ON: The New Heads of the Leonard Bernstein Department

Since October of last year, a new leading team has been at the helm of the Leonard Bernstein Department of Wind and Percussion Instruments. Michael Pircher, Michaela Reingruber, and Martin Mühlfellner speak about ongoing projects, the style of teamwork they’ve developed, and the goals they’ve set themselves for the coming four years.

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