We’ve all probably got some Beethoven clichés and images of Beethoven (and his head) kicking around in our own heads. But in this jubilee year of 2020, we’re aiming our gazes far beyond the usual notions of this famous Viennese-by-choice: Just who was this pianist, composer, artist, human being? Apart from the traditional musical canon, already so familiar, we also find a multitude of other ways to approach this intriguing personality: be it at the Beethoven Competition, in a research project that seeks to expand Beethoven’s commemoration by still-unfamiliar aspects, or perhaps through artistic projects that interpret Beethoven in entirely new ways. Join us as we dive into our own Beethoven Year at the mdw!

„Phänomen Beethoven“ – Meilensteine zwischen Kanon und Bizarrerie

Das Beethovenjahr 2020 an der mdw

Beethoven im Wettbewerb – Wiener Tradition trifft auf frische Interpretationen

Erinnerungsort Beethoven: Theater an der Wien

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