Webern Symphonie Orchester à Paris
On Growing (Together) Musically and Interpersonally
On Growing (Together) Musically and Interpersonally
From educator to cultural manager to one of Austria’s best-known and most highly regarded cake designers.
Even at the young age of 12, Bine Katrine Bryndorf was convinced that the organ was her future.
Berthold Seliger provides insights into his keynote address, “Empire Business or Cultural Diversity. About the Reality of the Concert Business”.
In Memory of mdw Professor Gottfried von Einem (1918–1996)
About this series of scholarly and critical score editions of 17th-century music
An exceptional composer on a quest for new worlds.
On the 80th Birthday of Helga Meyer-Wagner
For 30 years now, the Vienna Musikverein has been headed by Thomas Angyan in his capacity as Director of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde.