Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Ulrich MORGENSTERN
(University Professor of "History and Theory of Folk Music“)

Born 1964 in Gießen, Germany. 1993 M.A. in Systematic musicology and East Slavic Studies, 2003 Ph.D. in Systematic musicology, 2011 Habilitation (venia legendi) in Folk music research / Comparative musicology at the University of Hamburg. Visiting professorships at the Universities of Frankfurt a.M. (2009-2011) and Cologne (2012). 2012 appointment at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology, Professor for History and Theory of Folk Music.

Areas of research: European folk music and folk musical instruments; multipart instrumental music; European history of folk music research and music anthropology; revival movements in Europe; folk music research, ethnomusicology and political ideologies.

Fieldwork (since 1989): European Russia, Belarus, Hungary, Croatia, Austria, Romania.



International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM, seit 1994)

ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland (1994–2012, Vizepräsident 2004–2012)

ICTM Study Group on Historical Sources of Traditional Music (seit 1998)

Wissenschaftliche Kommission des Österreichischen Volksliedwerks (seit 2012)

ICTM-Nationalkomitee Österreich (seit 2013)

ICTM Study Group on Multipart Music (seit 2013)

ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance of the Slavic World (Gründungsmitglied 2015, seit 2018 Chair person)


Consultation: Thursday 4pm to 5pm, registration by Email!

Contact: +43/1/711 55 4200 | Room: AW U 0222
e-mail: morgenstern@mdw.ac.at

► Publications and Lectures

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