Mag.a Anja Brunner (she/her)

Anja Brunner (she/her) is a Assistant Professor at the Institute for Folk Music Research and Ethnosmusicology. Her research spans issues of music and migration, questions on music and postcolonial politics and decolonization, questions of intersectionality in music research, and studies on music in transnational networks. Her regional focus is on music in/from sub-Saharan Africa, the Arab-speaking regions, and South-East-Europe. She is principal investigator of the research project “Women Musicians from Syria: Performance, Networks, Belonging/s” and the Music and Minorities Research Center (funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, V706-G29). Together with Dr. Cornelia Gruber (Phonogrammarchive Vienna), she will lead the research project “Reverse Ethnomusicology. Migrant Musicians as Researchers” (funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, TAI724), starting in April 2023.

Anja Brunner gained a doctorate in musicology from University of Vienna (Austria) with a dissertation about the Cameroonian popular music bikutsi. She has been working as a university lecturer and researcher at the University of Vienna (Austria, 2010–2015) and the University of Bern (Switzerland, 2016–2018).

She is author of Bikutsi. A Beti Dance Music on the Rise, 1970–1990 (Equinox 2021) and co-author of a monograph on the history of music of the Balkans in Austria (Balkanboom. Eine Geschichte der Balkanmusik in Österreich, Peter Lang 2014).

Contact: +43/1/71155-4218 | Room: U 0214
Consultation: Thursday, 15.30–16.30 by appointment (Email)

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