Gender | Queer | Diversity-Call_mdw

In the summer semester of 2015, the Gender | Queer | Diversity Call_mdw (then Gender Call_mdw) was announced for the first time. Initiated by the Vice Rector for Central Resources at the time, Prof. Rudolf Hofstötter, who was responsible for the advancement of women, 30,000 euros were available from the gender budget. Since then, the call has been repeated in 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022 by the Vice Rectorate for Organizational Development & Diversity and will be announced every two years in the future.

The aim is to develop and implement project ideas with gender|queer|diversity content at mdw. The projects funded by this Call are partly supported by the staff unit in terms of content and/or organization.

A list of all projects funded by this call can be found here (German only)