Defensio Karl Salzmann “To start from Scratch”

The mdw Art Research Centre invites you to the defence of the artistic dissertation ‘To Start from Scratch’ by Karl Salzmann on 22 October 2024 at 16:00 in the mdw Bankettsaal.
Following the presentation in July, which included a comprehensive introduction to the project, an exhibition of the related works and a sound performance, Karl Salzmann will publicly discuss and defend his work with the examination committee on this day.
The members of the commission from mdw are Andrea Glauser, Professor of Cultural Studies, Katharina Klement, composer and lecturer at the Department of Composition Studies and Music Production, and Brandon LaBelle, an external member of the committee, artist and sound theorist.


The artistic work was supervised by Alexander Damianisch, Annegret Huber, Thomas Grill and Hans Schabus.

Prozess-Artefakt © Karl Salzmann, 2024

Birgitta Flick – 4th INARJ Conference

International Network for Artistic Research in Jazz

Sunday, October 6, 2024
Spielraum, Gasometer B, Guglgasse 8, 1110 Wien

Flick, Birgitta (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna)
Entangled tools and practices: Reflections on the creative collaboration for PlanetWoman

artistic research doctoral candidate at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

futher informations:

Arts in Philosophy : Philosophy in the Arts. On The Significance of the *Heart*

Das Forschungsprojekt „Arts in Philosophy : Philosophy in the Arts. On The Significance of the *Heart*“ an der mdw lädt Sie herzlich zu den nächsten Veranstaltungen in der Roten Bar ein:


Rote Bar, Volkstheater (Wien)

Dienstag, 05.11. 18:30-20:15 ROTE *HERZENS*ANGELEGENHEIT: Herzkammer #3

mit Arno Böhler, Susanne Valerie Granzer, Melanie Sidhu (Schauspielerin)


Dienstag, 03.12. 18:30-20:15 ROTE *HERZENS*ANGELEGENHEIT: Herzkammer #4

mit Arno Böhler, Susanne Valerie Ganzer, Lukas Lauermann (Cellist und Komponist)



Einige gratis Restkarten, die wir für MRS-Studierende und MRS-Kolleg:innen zurückgehalten haben, können bei Arno Böhler reserviert werden. Email an:


Das Forschungsprojekt wird vom Österreichischen Wissenschaftsfonds (FWF) gefördert. (FWF) Grant-DOI: 10.55776/AR822


Weitere Veranstaltungen im Rahmen des PEEK-Projekts im Oktober 2024:


Lofft Theater, Leipzig.

03.10. 11:00 – 12:30 Rote Herzensangelegenheiten – Macht & Ohnmacht des GEMÜTS. Lecture-Performance. Arno Böhler, Susanne Valerie Granzer, Christoph Müller, Evi Jägle. Leipzig denkt. Das Festival.


MAXXI Museum Rom, Video Galery.

Oktober 22 – 24, 2024, Shaken Grounds, Nikolaus Gansterer & Arno Böhler, Trans-Lecture

To start from Scratch (FINAL) – Karl Salzmann

In his performance lecture (and final presentation of his doctoral project), Karl Salzmann will guide the audience through his on-site sound installation. Using the turntable as a tool for artistic research, he will give an introduction and overview of his project To Start from Scratch, in which he explored themes such as the history, materiality and artistic practice of this apparatus. In addition to sculptures and videos that are part of his installation, the presentation will include sounding objects and artefacts that were part of his research process, all of which culminate in a reflective documentation that will be handed out to the critics on that day.

Date: 01.07.2024

Time: 14:00H

Place: Zentrum Fokus Forschung, Rustenschacherallee 2-4, 1020 Wien

Artistic Research Lab – Presentations 2024 (Part 2)

As the public closing event of the Artistic Research Lab in the artistic doctoral programme, sixteen mdw students will present audiovisual contributions from their current artistic research projects. The spectrum ranges from new and sometimes transcultural forms of composition and interpretation to experimental approaches to creation, curating, media art, film and theatre to historically informed performance practice and innovative turntablism.


The livestream can be found here: LIVESTREAM


15th June 2024, 19:00h

mdw – Future Art Lab, Klangtheater, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien


Presentations by: Ettore Biagi, Ginan Seidl, Ragnheiður Erla Björnsdóttir, Arne Vogelgesang, Christoph Wichert, Patrik Lechner, Athanasia Kontou and Gerhild Steinbuch.



Ettore Biagi                                        Creative Empowerment for ensemble of river stones

Ginan Seidl                                         tonal territories

Arne Vogelgesang                              Edging the Cut

Ragnheiður Erla Björnsdóttir             Multispecies Vocal Weaving – Vibrational Practices


Christoph Wichert                              Lost in Transcription

Patrik Lechner                                    Biconic Walk

Athanasia Kontou                              Eight and a half months of “getting personal” – Reflecting on shifting and expanding towards an experimental, interdisciplinary practice, in service of personal, vulnerable storytelling.

Gerhild Steinbuch                              Stratifying perspectives – (Per)forming dramaturgies along tectonic shifts

Artistic Research Lab – Presentations 2024 (Part 1)

As the public closing event of the Artistic Research Lab in the artistic doctoral programme, sixteen mdw students will present audiovisual contributions from their current artistic research projects. The spectrum ranges from new and sometimes transcultural forms of composition and interpretation to experimental approaches to creation, curating, media art, film and theatre to historically informed performance practice and innovative turntablism.


The livestream can be found here: LIVESTREAM


14th June 2024, 19:00h

mdw – Future Art Lab, Klangtheater, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien


Presentations by: David Panzl, Tong Zhang, Jagoda Szmytka, Dustin Zorn, Chidi Obijiaku, Birgitta Flick und Karl Salzmann



David Panzl                        Gravity Beats

Tong Zhang                        Out-of-sync

Jagoda Szmytka                 On Music Fundamentals and Elementary Counterpoint in Extended Composition — An Overview of the Doctoral Artistic Research Project

Dustin Zorn                        From Stria to Metastasia – fantastic proliferations of a revived algorithm


Chidi Obijiaku                    from street to score

Birgitta Flick                       Scores as tools and transformers in collective practices: Reflections on the creative collaboration for PlanetWoman

Karl Salzmann                    Final Scratch

Ivar Roban Križić – guest lecture

Critical Improvisation Studies – Literature Review
The field of critical improvisation studies seeks to examine
improvisation’s effects, interrogate its discourses, interpret
narratives and histories related to it, discover implications of
those narratives and histories, and uncover its ideologies. In
this lecture, we will take a look at the development of this field
through its literary output–from edited volumes and handbooks,
through philosophical, cognitive, computer music and gender
studies perspectives, all the way to historical curiosities.

Ivar Roban Križić (*1990, Zagreb, Croatia) studied Double Bass at the Jazz Department in Graz and is currently pursuing an Artistic Research Doctorate at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, focusing on the epistemology of free improvisation. His artistic practice encompasses a wide variety of international projects, spanning contemporary jazz, experimental music, and free improvisation. His research is focused on musical cognition, AI, and technical and technological extensions of the double bass.

Workshop – Hair dance of the indigenous group Tao (Taiwan)

Artistic Research Center (ARC)

In cooperation with the Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology (IVE)


Tuesday, 28 May 2024 3.30-5 pm

Franz Liszt Hall of the mdw

Lothringerstraße 18, 1030 Vienna


The Tao are one of Taiwan’s 16 recognised indigenous groups. They live on Orchid Island (蘭嶼), the Tao themselves call their island “ponso no tao”, which means “island of the people”. The most famous ceremony during the Tao harvest festival is the women’s hair dance. They gracefully swing their long hair to show their affection for their husbands and families. In the past, the dance was not allowed to be performed in daylight, so the dances often took place on the beach in the moonlight. Nowadays, however, the dance is part of the programme of during the day of the harvest festival. In this workshop, the invited Tao women will show us how to perform this dance.


The workshop will be held in German and English and is open to students of all study programmes.

Please register by 26 May: (Theresia Dlouhy-Staber)


credits: Joanna Pianka 2022

PEEK Project Arts in Philosophy – Rote Bar, Volkstheater (Vienna)

The PEEK Project Arts in Philosophy : Philosophy in the Arts. On The Significance of the *Heart* in Artistic-Research and Performance Philosophy invites you to


Rote Bar, Volkstheater (Wien)

Wednesday, 17.4. 18:30-20:00 ROTE *HERZENS*ANGELEGENHEIT: Herzkammer #1

Wednesday, 19.6. 18:30-20:00 ROTE *HERZENS*ANGELEGENHEIT: Herzkammer #2


Our research project is sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Grant-DOI: 10.55776/AR822


Ticket reservation: please send an email to (you need a ticket, but its free / Zählkarten)



Arno Böhler, Evi Jägle, Christoph Müller