12. Tagung des Forschungsnetzwerkes Implizites Wissen

Freitag 29. und Samstag 30. September 2023


Veranstaltungsort: Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Anton-von-Webern-Pl. 1, 1030
Wien, Gebäude S (der Eingang befindet sich zwischen der Universitätsbibliothek und der Mensa), 2.
Liftstock, Spielmach(t)raum bzw. Raum-Nr. S 02 25. Der Zugang ist barrierefrei.



Freitag 29.9.2023
13:00 – 13:10: Begrüßung (Tasos Zembylas)
13:10 – 14:25: Christiane Schürkmann: „Zur-Welt-Sein zwischen Können und Nichtkönnen – Leib und Sinne im Spannungsfeld von implizitem Wissen und Nicht- wissen“
14:25 – 15:40: Stephanie Porschen-Hueck: „Leibliche und sinnliche Zugänge bei Kollaboration im virtuellen Raum? Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung zu ‚physischer Distanz‘ in der Coronapandemie“
15:40 – 16:00: Pause
16:00 – 17:15: Bernd Hackl: „Künstlerische Intelligenz. Versuch über das Menschliche im Zeitalter seiner technischen Simulierbarkeit“
17:15 – 17:30: Pause
17:30 – 18:45: Birgitta Flick: „Sinnliche Wahrnehmung und leibliche Erfahrung als Grund- lage für Praktiken des Komponierens und Improvisierens“
ab 19:00 Uhr: gemeinsames Abendessen


Samstag 30.9.2023
09:15 – 10:30: Barbara Lüneburg: „Untersuchung von Verkörperung (Embodiment) und Expressivität in der klassischen Instrumentalpraxis durch Methoden der künstlerischen Forschung“
10:30 – 10:45: Pause
10:45 – 12:00: Kai Ginkel: „Hybride Körper und intergenerationale Sozialität: Implizite Wissenspraktiken in der Performance von Exzellenz in der klassischen Musik“
12:00 – 13:30: Mittagessen
13:30 – 14:45: Wilfried Datler, Margit Datler und Bernadette Strobl: „Wenn zwischen dem Psychischen und dem Körperlichen noch gar nicht getrennt werden kann … Über die frühen Prozesse der Ausbildung von implizitem Wissen in den ersten Lebensjahren“
14:45 – 15:00: Pause
15:00 – 16:00: Resumé und Diskussion (Fritz Böhle)


Teilnahme und Anmeldung

Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos; eine formlose Anmeldung senden Sie bitte bis spätestens 10.9.2023 an:

Fritz Böhle, Jörg Markowitsch, Georg Hans Neuweg und Tasos Zembylas (Organisationsteam)



Artistic Research Lab – closing presentations 2023

Friday, 2nd June 2023, 18h-21:30

Saturday, 3rd June 2023, 18h-21:30


mdw – Future Art Lab – Klangtheater
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien

“As closing presentations of the Artistic Research Lab in the artistic doctoral program, fifteen mdw students will present audiovisual contributions from their current artistic research projects. The spectrum ranges from new and sometimes transcultural forms of composition and interpretation to experimental approaches to creation, media art, film sound, theater and choreography to historically informed performance practice as well as innovative turntablism”.



14th SAR International Conference — Tian Fu

From April 19-21, 2023, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) hosts the 14th International Conference on Artistic Research in Trondheim. Organized in collaboration with the Society for Artistic Research, it is the largest conference on practice based research through the arts.


Tian Fu

artistic research doctoral candidate at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
20 min Presentation + 20 min Discussion
Danny Butt

AEC/EPARM — Birgitta Flick

AEC European Platform for Artistic Research in Music (EPARM) 2023
‘Upbeat: Futures of Artistic Research in Music’
Royal Danish Academy of Music, Copenhagen (Denmark) and online
30 March – 1 April 2023


Friday 31st March

9:00 – 9:30 ‘Not-the-L8Nite performances’ I A

Birgitta Flick

artistic research doctoral candidate

mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Austria)

Circular compositions for saxophone solo. Following a composition’s transformations through improvisation and collaborative creating

Studio Hall and online


Workshop with Soroosh Ghahramanloo (composer, singer, Setar player)

In the frame of the course “composition workshop”, the Iranian composer, singer, and Setar player Soroosh Ghahramanloo will present his work on May, 22nd 2023, which includes the development of an electric setar (traditional iranian string instrument) as well as his artistic work and research.


Place: mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna, Room AO201.

Time: May, 22nd 2023, 18:15 – 20:15

Guests are welcome.

Free entry.

For further information please contact kretz@mdw.ac.at

New research project: ÆSR Lab – Applied/Experimental Sound Research Laboratory

The Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) – in cooperation with the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) of the EU – is investing 40 million euros in the expansion and modernization of existing as well as in the acquisition of new high-quality (digital) research infrastructure within the framework of the call for proposals “(Digital) Research Infrastructures”.

The cooperative infrastructure research project “ÆSR Lab – Applied/Experimental Sound Research Laboratory” of the University of Applied Arts, the mdw (Artistic Research Center and Department for Composition, Electroacoustics and Tonmeister_innen-Education) and the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Phonogrammarchiv) was selected for funding.

The ÆSR Lab is a three-part, mobile and modular sound research laboratory at the interface of art and science, which as an infrastructure – with precise instrumentation and state-of-the-art technology – promotes interdisciplinary research and artistic design and helps to open up the development and testing of new technologies.

At mdw, the sub-project “ÆSR – sound projection laboratory” will now be implemented in the years 2023–2026 under the direction of Thomas Grill. The system to be developed within the framework of research and teaching will enable new and unconventional forms of spatial acoustic design for musical composition and performance.

Sonic Ghosts – AR Pilot – Abschlusspräsentation

Intersubjektives Klanglabor zur Beforschung auditiver Wahrnehmungsphänomene

Projektleitung: Bernhard Gál & Veronika Mayer

Anbindung: Institut für Komposition, Elektroakustik und TonmeisterInnen-Ausbildung, mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

Finanzierung: AR-Pilot Call 2022 der mdw


Datum: 21. Januar 2023; 15:00-18:00

Ort: Klangtheater – FAL, mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

Eintritt frei. Keine Anmeldung erforderlich.


15:00-16:00                 Begrüßung | Mehrkanal-Hörraum

16:00-17:00                 Präsentation des beantragten PEEK-Forschungsprojektes AUDIO GHOSTS

17:00-18:00                 Mehrkanal-Hörraum sowie informeller Austausch + kleines Buffet



Präsentierte Werke (Auswahl)

Diana Deutsch               Phantom Words and Other Curiosities (2003, Ausschnitt)

Bernhard Gál                 Defragmentation/Krems (2005, Ausschnitt)

                                         Vierband (2023, Preview)

Christopher Haworth    Correlation Number One (2011)

Veronika Mayer             splitter (ghost version #1) (2022)

James Tenney                For Ann (rising) (1969)



RAPP Lab Invitation, 17th November 2022, 17:30-19:30, ONLINE (via ZOOM)

In artistic research the word “reflection” is booming, and its meanings range widely: from spoken and discursive analysis before or after an artistic performance to improvisation as sonic reflection in the artistic activity itself. The RAPP Lab project playfully investigates the qualities, and often slippery properties of “reflection” as being vague, concrete, unvoiced or embodied and creates six experimental settings (Labs) in which students can expand and specify their reflective skills. We invite the artistic research community to switch the perspective from “What is reflection?” to “In which learning and teaching parameters and conditions can reflection and critical thinking in artistic research emerge?”


This digital event will focus on the three Labs which have taken place during the year 2022: Lab 3 (May 2022) at the HfMT Cologne on Embodied Reflection, Lab 4 (June 2022) contributed by mdw Vienna on Transculturality, and Lab 5 (September 2022) by the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre in Tallinn on Autoethnography. It will present a kaleidoscope of methodological perspectives of artistic research between these three learning environments.


Coordination: Hochschule for Music and Dance Cologne (Dr Sybille Fraquelli)

Artistic Direction: Dr Evelyn Buyken


To join please subscribe here: https://www.rapplab.eu/events/registration



From 17.00 on            Lock in and soft meet & greet

17.30                          Opening and Introduction

17.45-19.15                Improvised Presentation and Sharing of (Video) Materials on the topics “Methodology”, “Social Impact” and “Pedagogical Culture” of Reflection in Artistic Practice with Johannes Kretz (mdw Vienna), Theodore Parker (EAMT Tallinn) and Evelyn Buyken (HfMT Cologne)

19.15                          Q&A




RAPP stands for “Reflection based Artistic Professional Practice” and brings together the artistic research expertise of seven partner institutions in Europe. During a series of multi-national, experimental, thematically and methodologically differentiated encounters, described as Labs, advanced music students have the opportunity to try out new teaching and learning formats. RAPP Lab is a three-year EU-funded research project supported by the ERASMUS+ programme “Strategic Partnerships”. RAPP Lab explores how the reflective methodologies of artistic research empower musicians to creatively respond to the economic-cultural environment with which they are confronted. The project brings together the artistic research expertise of seven partner institutions in six different European states: Association Européenne des Conservatoires – AEC, Bruxelles, Belgium; Conservatorio di Musica Santa Cecilia, Rome, Italy; Eesti Muusika-ja Teatriakadeemia,  Tallinn, Estonia; Hochschule für Musik und Tanz, Cologne, Germany (as Coordinator); mdw – Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Vienna, Austria; Norges musikhøgskole, NMH,  Oslo, Norway; Orpheus Instituut  Ghent, Belgium.




Picture credit: Still from Video-Documentation by Agafia Wieliczko on Lab 3, Cologne 2022



Confusing Inspiration – presentation and concert

07 Dec 2022, 6:30 PM , Joseph Haydn-Saal
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien


In its third edition, the interdisciplinary project “Confusing Inspiration” again aims to connect composition, artistic practices and scholarly research.

How do composers and musicians studying at the MDW in Vienna react to engaging with non-Western musical practices? How does musical thinking change when one leaves one’s comfort zone and tries to question the taken-for-grantedness of the musical world(s) one is familiar with?

A group of students and teachers (composers and musicians) from the MDW went on a research trip to Istanbul in 2021 to learn to understand local musical practices and to experience them in the context of their lives. Back in Vienna, new compositions were created that reflect and process the experiences of the field research in a variety of ways. The result is new kinds of works that bring together different musical ways of thinking and draw the participants as well as the listeners out of the usual patterns of concert music in a variety of ways.
Compositions and imprivisations by and with, Salah Ammo, Dominik Förtsch, Haruki Noda, Ece Tuncer, Tolgahan Çoğulu, Sinan Ayyıldız, u.a.
Entrance free, registration not required


Artistic Research Lab – Presentations of the dissertation projects in the frame of RAPP Lab

Friday, 3rd June 2022, 19h-22h

mdw – Future Art Lab


Live Stream via youtube.com/mdwvienna



Birgitta Flick: Circular Composition

Chanda Rule, voice, Birgitta Flick, tenor saxophone, Ivar Roban Krizic, double bass, Gernot Bernroider, percussion


Birgitta Flick: Circular Compositon II, 3rd Movement, “Sorrow” for tenor saxophone solo

Kumbhaka, text by Chanda Rule, Birgitta Flick, tenor saxophone


Jagoda Szmytka: untitled (via Zoom)


Christoph Wichert: Kampung Saya

Christoph Wichert, bassoon and serunai




Illia Razumeiko: Wind from Podil – fragments and stories from OPERA LINGUA

Conductor: Roman Grygoriv

Performers: Leah Batstone, Brigitte Wilfing, Birgitta Flick, Ivar Roban Krizic at al.


Fu Tian: The Story of Croche

Performer: Fu Tian




Saturday, 4th June 2022, 19h-22h

mdw – Future Art Lab




Brigitte Wilfing: And Yet It Turns

Performer: Brigitte Wilfing


Daniel Maltz Hausmusik (via Zoom)

Performer: Daniel Maltz


Jorge Sanchez-Chiong: anything but art

Performer: Jorge Sanchez-Chiong




Ivar Roban Krizic: Performing Reflection. A Work in Progress

Performers: Ivar Roban Krizic – double bass, objects, voice, Bojan Krhlanko – drums, objects, electronics


Karl Salzmann: Artistic practice and other interventions for and with the turntable

Performers: Electric Indigo & Karl Salzmann


Live Stream via youtube.com/mdwvienna

Free entry

Covid-19 Regulations: FFP2-Maske recommended. More info mdw.ac.at/ihresicherheit.