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Tag Archives: Filmakademie


Fearless Storytelling

The twelfth edition of the Seoul International Extreme-Short Image & Film Festival (SESIFF) has sent out its invitations, and among their recipients is a six-person film delegation from Vienna. The reason is 130 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries and the festival’s “Austria Focus” in 2022. Several short films from Film Academy Vienna (including Bato Nebo, Echthaar, and Fische) are to be screened as their own block, a master class with director Magdalena Chmielewska (Lullaby) is scheduled, and The Best Orchestra in the World will be shown as part of the opening event.

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Farewell to Metternichgasse 12

After 52 years, Film Academy Vienna is leaving this history-steeped building on Metternichgasse and moving to its new home in the Future Art Lab on the mdw Campus. Screenwriting and directing student Albert Meisl provides his own very personal look back at the history and spirit of this building.

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