Home Column (page 7)



Thoughts on this fruit as a metaphor for various things in our society and at the mdw from the viewpoint of the hmdw Press Office What, bananas again? Haven’t we had enough of them, already!? The notion of Felix Austria—“happy Austria”—seems to have taken quite a beating amidst the numerous “banana republic”-allusions surrounding the postponement of the repeat of our …

The Car Park Singer

Travelling to the same country repeatedly over a long period of time causes you to slowly but surely acquire new ways of behaving. The foreign mentality and the initially unfamiliar customs and conventions drape themselves over you like a fine, thin coat that simultaneously warms and protects—and also feels quite secure. Over the past six months, I’ve spent a total …

Popular Myths

Some people harbour strange reservations towards anything and everything pop. In such circles, a deep-seated belief exists that things popular among the people (Latin: populus) and loved by the masses simply can’t be good. Supposed proof of this thesis is said to be embodied by the biographies of artists who are universally esteemed and counted among the greats of their …

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