c u r r e n t   n e w s

Welcome to the winter semester 2024

The Department of Composition Studies and Audio Production warmly welcomes all teaching staff and students to the new semester.

Obituary // ULRICH VETTE

It is with great sadness that we bid farewell to University Professor Ulrich Vette, an outstanding sound engineer, inspiring teacher and esteemed colleague who left a lasting mark on our institute. His work was characterized by an untiring passion for the art of sound recording and sound, and he deeply influenced generations of students not only professionally but also personally.

Ulrich Vette was a person with rough edges - someone who was not afraid to speak his mind and always demanded the highest precision and dedication from himself and others. These principles, combined with his attention to detail and tenacity, made him a master of his trade. He taught his students that true excellence can only be achieved through perseverance and uncompromising diligence.

He was highly respected for his exceptional expertise and tireless commitment. His dedication, knowledge and love of perfection will have a lasting impact and live on in the hearts of his students and colleagues.

Our deepest sympathy goes to his wife, his friends and all those who were close to him.

(c)Sabine Pichler

// guest lecture Otto WANKE

(22.10., 10h)
(c)Otto Wanke

In this lecture I will show that feedback systems offer many fascinating implications for compositional processes. I will present concrete forms of their use both in electroacoustic composition and performance with modular synthesizers, as well as in working with video and 3D graphics. Finally, it will be shown that these methods can be used to generate notation material, e.g. melodic or rhythmic patterns.

// Prof. Qin WENCHEN 
Central Conservatory of Music in Peking (CCOM)

(22.10., 18h)

The Influence of Traditional Chinese Music on My Composition: Through the analysis of specific works, the composer explains the influence of traditional Chinese music on his composition as well as his exploration in composition concept, technology and artistic interest in recent years. The lecture will also introduce the development of contemporary music in China.

// guest lecture Luc DÖBEREINER

(29.10., 10h)

In this guest lecture, Döbereiner will share his thoughts as a composer and performer, focusing on his interest in designing and exploring complex systems. He will present compositions that examine how one can create constellations or networks of mutually interacting materialities, including human performers, algorithms, sound synthesis methods, and compositional decisions.

// Gastvortrag & Workshop Richard Barrett

(12.11., ab 10h)

Once we accept that any sound can be a musical sound that can be combined with anyother sounds to make a musical composition, it becomes possible to compose and perform through the process known as free improvisation.

10:00 - 11:00 Lecture/performance Richard Barrett (public)
13:00 - 17:00 Workshop (internal)
18:00 - 19:30 Final concert (public)

// guest lecture Markus Hartmann, Steinberg
(26.11., 17h30)

Get to know the new possibilities of the notation software Dorico. Newcomers and those switching from other music programs are very welcome. In this workshop, the new concepts as well as the basic functions and operation of Dorico will be presented. Individual problems can be discussed from 7:30 p.m. - please bring your own laptop.
Registration to: foertsch@mdw.ac.at