Since 2010, the mdw has been conferring its Best Publication Award on young researchers every three years to recognise outstanding dissertations written at the university. Its cash component is meant to support students as they begin their careers in research while also providing motivation as they pursue their further work and development as scholars. The winners are selected by a jury of mdw professors. Alongside an innovative scholarly approach, the jury looks above all for reflection on one’s position in the relevant scholarly context and at how an author deals theoretically and conceptually with his or her topic.

On 14 November 2016, the three best dissertations were chosen from a group of seven submissions. Olga Kolokytha (Artistic Development of Young Professional Singers, 2013) and Matej Santi (Zwischen drei Kulturen. Musik und Nationalitätsbildung in Triest [Between Three Cultures. Music and the Formation of Nationality in Trieste], 2016) shared 2nd prizes worth € 5,000 each. Michaela Hahn (MusikschulENTWICKLUNG – Entwicklung und Steuerung am Beispiel des dezentralen Musikschulsystems in Niederösterreich [Music School DEVELOPMENT – Development and Management of the Decentralised Music School System in Lower Austria as a Case Study], 2015) received the 3rd prize, worth € 3,000.