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Tag Archives: wissenschaft

2020’s MMRC Lecture and an Interview with Dawn Chatty

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On 11 November 2020, the Music and Minorities Research Center (MMRC) launched its first annual lecture, delivered in online form. Despite the special circumstances, this event managed to engage an interdisciplinary audience from all around the world and fulfil its main goal, which was to bring scholars from different disciplines together in constructive and lively discussions.

Academia’s Responsibility to Our Climate

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Conference attendance, lecture tours, guest lectureships: research is international and produces an enormous ecological footprint. So how can it be made to function in a more climate-friendly manner?

“Up in the Air” – Artistic Careers in Times of Climate Crisis

In the September 2019 issue of the music periodical  nmz (Neue Musikzeitung) , German composer and concert educator Bernhard König published an essay entitled “Monteverdi und der Klimawandel” [Monteverdi and Climate Change]. What König wrote there represented some important food for thought for many at our institution.

Heroes, Canons, Cults. Critical Inquiries: isaScience Conference, 2020 Dagmar Abfalter, Karoline Feyertag, Marko Kölbl, Rosa Reitsamer, Fritz Trümpi

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In the run-up to the 30th International Summer Academy of the mdw, the present year will also see the Semmering region host the eighth edition of isaScience. This conference invites researchers, arts professionals, and activists of all academic levels and from various academic disciplines relevant to music and the performing arts in general to join in the discourse on “Heroes?!”, this year’s thematic emphasis at isa.
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