von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Schlosstheater Schönbrunn

Idomeneo, King of Crete, returns to his homeland after the Trojan War. His ship threatens to capsize in the violent storm off the coast. To save himself and appease the sea god Neptune, he vows to sacrifice the first living creature he meets on the beach. The storm subsides and he reaches the saving shore; but the first person to meet him is his own son Idamante.

In this "Dramma per musica" from 1781, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart thematizes the conflict between gods and men, between obligations to the authorities and loyalty to subordinates.

In a production by Michael Sturminger, students of the Institute for Voice and Music Theater sing. The Webern Symphony Orchestra plays under the musical direction of Christoph U. Meier.

Performance dates: May 12/13 and 15/16, 2023, both at 7 p.m.

Aufführungstermine: 12./13. und 15./16. Mai 2023, jeweils um 19.00 Uhr

„… satisfied like a king“

Production conditions of W. A. Mozart's Idomeneo in Munich and Vienna
Symposium on the occasion of the performance of Idomeneo at the Institute for Voice and Music Theater in cooperation with the Institute for Musicology and Interpretation Research.

May 16, 2023 | Neue Studiobühne, Penzinger Straße 7-9, 1140 Vienna

Conception: Livio Marcaletti und Melanie Unseld