Music & Minorities (M&M) is a scholarly journal edited by MMRC and published by mdwPress since December 2021.
The journal website can be accessed by following this link: https://journals.qucosa.de/mm
M&M is published as an ethnomusicology-centered interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed English-language, online-only, fee-free, "diamond" open access journal. It complies with the guidelines and quality criteria of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) as well as with established standards of research ethics and integrity. M&M will apply for inclusion in databases like Scopus or Web of Science.
The journal makes use of the possibilities of online publishing and publishes submissions on a rolling basis, as soon as they have passed the review and approval process. Submissions can be made via the journal website at any time.
Aim and Scope:
M&M is dedicated to the scholarly exploration of the multi-dimensional field opened up by the concepts of "music" and "minorities". The journal is meant to be inclusive of music, dance, and other sound-based social phenomena. The term "minority" refers to communities, groups and/or individuals that are at risk of discrimination on grounds of ethnicity, race, religion, language, gender, sexual orientation, disability, political opinion, displacement, social or economic deprivation, and their intersections.
Contributions to M&M may address all aspects of music and/or dance in the context of minorities. This may encompass aspects like forms of music and/or dance of certain minorities, societal discourses thereon, relationships between hegemonic and marginalized groups, depictions of minorities and/or their musical expressions in other contexts, or the meanings and values that are attributed to musical and other performing practices.
M&M encourages a diversity of approaches and methods, such as ethnography, theoretical reflection, historiography, or other forms of cultural criticism and social analysis. M&M is a forum for both foundational and engaged/applied research. The journal also welcomes interdisciplinary approaches.
M&M invites contributions from authors of all relevant disciplinary backgrounds: ethnomusicology/ethnochoreology, other musicological or ethnographic disciplines, as well as the humanities and social sciences in general.
M&M encourages contributions by authors who are non-native speakers of English. The journal offers support to such authors by providing English language editing to manuscripts that have passed the peer review and approval process.
M&M also encourages contributions that fit the overall scholarly format of the journal by authors working in non-academic fields, such as musicians or political activists, and actively seeks to involve such voices in the journal’s debates (e.g., via invited articles, as participants in "call & response" exchanges, or by way of joint authorship with researchers).
Contact for Inquiries: mm-journal@mdw.ac.at
Editor-in-Chief: Ursula Hemetek (mdw)
Review Editor: Marko Kölbl (mdw)
Managing Editor: Malik Sharif (mdw)
Editorial Board: Naila Ceribašić (Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb, Croatia), Beverley Diamond (Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, Canada), Svanibor Pettan (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Mayco Santaella (Sunway University, Subang Jaya, Malaysia), Stephen Wild (Australian National University, Canberra), Deborah Wong (University of California, Riverside, USA)