Imprint & Disclosure

Media Owner, Issuer, Owner: mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, represented by rector Ulrike Sych, 1030 Vienna, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1,, DVR number: 044 7331, UID number: ATU 37871004. The objective of the organisation are the tasks of universities for the arts according to the university law (UG) § 3.

Responsible for the content: rectorate, Ulrike Sych, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna. Editorial team: mdwPress Coordination. Contact person: Max Bergmann, email:, tel.: +43 1 71155 8122. Technical realisation: Martin Hufnagl (mdw Information Technology Services), email:, tel.: +43 1 71155 7320.

All rights reserved. The disclaimer of the mdw website applies.

Data Protection Declaration

Excerpt from the general data protection declaration of the mdw (only available in German):

Data processing within the framework of the mdw’s publication services is done for the purpose of covering the entire publication process including submission, assessment and publication. For the administration and publication of scientific works we will process your following personal data: personal master data when registering titles for publication (academic title, name, institute, information specific to the publication), personal master data for the inclusion in the Integrated Authority File (GND) (academic title, name, gender, year of birth, place of birth, profession, institute), communication data (name, user name, e-mail address), contract master data, customer history and IT user data.

The personal data is at first processed by mdw staff members, and thereafter, if applicable, by cooperation partners, as named on the websites of the publication services. Your scientific work as well as your name, your academic title, your institute, your e-mail address and information specific to your publication will be published on the basis of the contract and will be made publicly available. It will be saved for the duration of the contract and beyond that for the time any possible legal claims or statutory obligations may exist. Data, which have to be archived in accordance with the Federal Archive Act, will be stored for an infinite period of time

Your rights

Regarding your personal data you are entitled to the following rights under Art 15-21 GDPR: right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure, right to restriction of processing, right to data portability, right to object. In addition, you are entitled to contact a supervisory authority (in Austria: the data protection authority, in the event of complaints about data protection violations.

Of course you can also contact our data protection officer if you allege any data protection violations or have questions about data protection at mdw: Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna, via e-mail at or via phone at 0043 1 71155 6046.


Amended in September 2021