Report Austrian Composers’ Day 2017 Musikschaffende fanden erneut aktuellste Infos zu Themen des Berufsalltags sowie Gelegenheit zum Austausch und zur Vernetzung mit BranchenkollegInnen.
Report ECCO-Konzert mit dem Wiener Concert-Verein Der Österreichische Komponistenbund begrüßte von 11. – 13. Oktober 2017 KomponistInnen und Songwriter aus ganz Europa in Wien.
Report The Innovative Conservatoire Experience I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the 16th Seminar of the Innovative Conservatoire which took place at Dartington Hall in Totnes, UK.
Report mdw200 goes international The mdw is celebrating its bicentennial not only in Vienna, but also together with some of its renowned partner universities as well as with mdw graduates around the world.
Special Bass When we speak of “bass”, we think mainly of the the bass player in a band. On the following pages, we’ll show you how bass is actually so much more.
Film A Story Told in Pictures Kitty Kino, one of the first women to graduate from the directing programme of Film Academy Vienna, looks back on a long and multifaceted career.
Report mdw200 Impressions In this photo series, we show you some highlights of the bicentennial celebrations that took place during the first half of 2017.
Music A Jubilee with Diverse Perceptual Experiments The 30-year jubilee of Wien Modern is reason enough to invite students and instructors of the mdw to mount three central projects.
Film Stories Told in Sound In films, we often hear sounds that we perceive barely or not at all in real life.