What is KlangBildKlang? This large-scale mdw project, whose name translates as “SoundImageSound”, may indeed evoke the odd question. Is the focus on sound, here, or actually more on visual depiction? The answer is neither-nor. It’s much rather about interaction—between not just sounds and images, but also people, mdw departments, performing venues, and organisations. At its core are art and music mediation, regardless of the levels or ages being addressed. The present issue’s Special lets you in on how this transdisciplinary festival came about and what it stands for, the locations it will be opening up for the audience, ways in which music mediation can benefit kids and teens, and how the final concert at the Wiener Konzerthaus will perfectly encapsulate all of KlangBildKlang’s multifaceted content.

Ein erfolgreicher Auftakt für KlangBildKlang

Klangwelten und Bildsprache

Klangbilder an unerwarteten Orten

Klangvoll Neues entdecken: Kreativität als Brücke zur Musik

Bäume, Blasen, Wolken und Linien

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