Stetteldorf 2023

Feedbacks, Programm und Fotos:

Von Ehrengast Prof. Vinden (UK):

I am writing to thank you for inviting me to the conference held at Stettledorf Castle on Saturday 30 September. This was an extremely enjoyable occasion for me for several reasons. The chance to visit the beautiful Austrian country-side in which Stettledorf castle is set was very special. 
The various discussions and workshops that took place were most interesting along with the very enjoyable concert. Although my German is not as fluent as I would like it to be I understood quite a lot of what was being discussed and was also very grateful to the way the participants integrated me into the activities. We in England are faced with similar problems and issues so it was very good to see what solutions are being put forward to sort them out. 
I was a musicianship teacher at conservatoire level (18+) and would have loved to hear about some of the issues affecting musicianship training of this group of students ….. another time perhaps.
My praise and deep thanks must go to Herr Georg Stradiot and his wife Frau Brigitte Von Stradiot for the amazing work they have done and are doing to restore the castle to its inherent beauty and the use to which they now use it. They provided excellent refreshments and a most fabulous meal at the end of the day. We managed to do a little bit of singing at the supper which I gather was well received!
If in the future it was possible, I would like to offer my thanks by doing a workshop on canon singing and the musicianship skills that can be derived from this activity. I have researched several thousand canons some of which have not be heard for some very long time and they deserve to be.
I am very grateful to you for inviting me and hope that I can return something to MDW and Stettledorf.
Yours very sincerely,

Prof. David Vinden (retired)


Weitere Stimmen:

- Stetteldorf war eine sehr interessante und gelungene Veranstaltung, …

- Liebe Grüße und danke auch nochmals für die Organisation und Koordination von Stetteldorf!! Es war - wie immer - sehr toll!

Und schön war es, mal wieder in Stetteldorf zu sein und gute Gespräche zu führen!

- Und herzlichen Dank dir und dem ganzen Team auch für die schöne inspirierende, dicht mit Impulsen gefüllte Tagung in Stetteldorf! Es war so fein, einander wieder an diesem besonderen Ort zu begegnen und zu aktuellen Themen und Fragestellungen in Austausch zu kommen. 

- Danke für heute 🌸



(c) Iris Mochar-Kircher (c) Angelika Hauser-Dellefant

Konzert: Harald Huber

(c) Angelika Hauser-Dellefant Patricia Simpson

(c) Angelika Hauser-Dellefant



Programm zur Klausurtagung: