Adrián Artacho is a composer and an artistic researcher at the crossroads between movement and sound. He completed his master's degree at Music and Arts Private University of Vienna with a thesis of Form Spaces, followed by a postgraduate course on Electroacoustic composition at the mdw. As a PhD candidate at the Institute for Composition and Electroacoustics, he researches the use of technology to augment performer capabilities. Additionally, Artacho holds a BA in translation, and as a certified cultural mediator he develops science communication projects on behalf of the University of Vienna.
The Augmented Performer. An ecological approach to gesture segmentation in choreomusical research
The quantitative characterisation of high-level features in the context of choreomusical research poses several challenges, technical as well as conceptual. Although state-of-the-art technical solutions for the capture of performance data often do exist, the constraints of a lab setting seem to stand in the way of more widespread adoption of data-based methods in the field. The goal of this project is to put forth a protocol for adequate documentation, capture and processing of multimodal quantitative performance data in ecological settings, addressing the specific needs of choreomusical research, and evaluating currently available technical solutions against pre-established criteria of accuracy, usability, and suitability. I am particularly interested in machine learning approaches to realtime temporal segmentation that can be easily integrated in the workflow of the artist-researcher, therefore closing the gap between the lab and everyday artistic practices.