Tacit Resonance: Problems and Potentials in collective music Improvisation

In this talk, I would like to discuss how the notion of tacit resonance, a non-linguistically based way of knowing and understanding, helps to interpret collective music improvisation among and beyond human species. Tacit Resonance intends to draw dialogue with Steven Feld’s notion of acoustemology as a sonic way of knowing and being in the world.


Jing Wang is Associate Professor in the College of Media and International Culture at Zhejiang University, China, visiting professor at MIT anthropology (2019-2020). She is an art anthropologist, sound studies scholar, sound event curator. She completed her PhD in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts at Ohio University. She is published in academic journals including Social Science Research, LeonardoLeonardo Music JournalJournal of Popular Music Studies, and Organised Sound, Representations. She is international editorial-board member of the journal Social Science Information. She is editorial-board member of Sound Studies: an Interdisciplinary Journal .She is the author of the book Sound and Affect: an anthropology of China’s sound practice (Zhejiang University Press 2017) (in Chinese), Half SoundHalf Philosophy: Aesthetics, Politics, and History of China's Sound Art (Bloomsbury 2021) (in English). Artistically, Jing (Adel) works with field-recordings and installation-based performance. In January 2015, she founded The Sound Lab at College of Media and International Culture at Zhejiang University. person.zju.edu.cn/en/adelwangjing