Bibliographischer Nachweis der mdw

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  • Ozdemir, Mehmet; Chatziioannou, Vasileios; Verlinden, Jouke; Cascini, Gaetano; Pamies Vila, Montserrat: Towards 3D printed saxophone mouthpiece personalization: Acoustical analysis of design variations. In: Acta Acustica (2021) H. 5, S. 1-18 [online verfügbar:].
  • Giordano, Nicholas; Chatziioannou, Vasileios: Status and future of modeling of musical instruments: Introduction to the JASA special issue. In: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150 (2021) H. 3, S. 2294-2301 [online verfügbar:].
  • Statsenko, Tatiana; Chatziioannou, Vasileios; Moore, Thomas; Kausel, Wilfried: Deformation reconstruction by means of surface optimization. Part I: Time-averaged electronic speckle pattern interferometry. In: Applied Optics 56 (2017). H. 3, S. 654-661.