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Tag Archives: #ruzanikoliclakatos

Sa tja patjivake, Ruža [In Your Honour, Ruža]

For three decades until her death, Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos maintained a close connection with the mdw’s Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology. One approach to engaging with Ruža’s musical legacy is enabling her songs to live on through their performance by other musicians.

Minority Voices at the mdw

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It was within the space of just a few short days that I received word of two deaths: Willi Resetarits passed away on 24 April, followed by Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos on 4 May. I had ties to both of these personalities on multiple levels, both of them have been important in my life, and I miss them both greatly. In the following, however, I’d like to explain why they were important for the mdw.