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Tag Archives: orchestra

Music as a Great Investment

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This past August saw the MIAGI Orchestra along on its seventh European tour, during which it played in renowned concert halls such as the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, and the Konzerthaus in Berlin. Under the baton of David Panzl (mdw), the orchestra’s young musicians wowed audiences with unique arrangements of material ranging from South African compositions to works inspired by the African diaspora.
mdw-Magazin 2019-2

Special: Orchestra

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Making music together in an ensemble as large as an orchestra brings with it numerous challenges and requires flexibility, the ability to work in a team, and the willingness to engage with each other.
Junge Philharmonie Orchester

Auditioning Orchestral Life

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The mdw recently brought to life its own Webern Kammerphilharmonie, a permanent university ensemble for future orchestral musicians looking to start their careers.