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Tag Archives: MRS

Talking Pictures: Achieving Lively Speech with Mental Imagery

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There are those people to whom, when they speak, we could listen forever—almost no matter what they say; it somehow touches us and sweeps us along. And then there are others whom we can’t follow; sitting in the theatre, we grow restless or can’t quite manage to absorb what they’re declaiming. Why is this so?

On the Road with the Graduating Class

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For several years, now, the Standing Conference on Actors’ Training (Ständige Konferenz Schauspielausbildung – SKS) has been organising central auditions for the German-speaking region’s acting schools. At these events, students from the current year’s graduating classes present themselves to specialist audiences with an eye to landing engagements at the region’s various theatres. In the following, students from the graduating class of 2022 provide us with some impressions of their whirlwind trip to Neuss, Berlin, and Munich for the graduate auditions known as the Absolvent_innen-Vorspiele.

Sparkling And Hoping

Stage director Wojtek Klemm has joined forces with third-year acting students of the Max Reinhardt Seminar to develop a play about showbusiness itself. Killing of Silent Hopes casts its gaze on the trials and tribulations of life as an actor/actress.

On the Art of Playing Dead

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Those who become professional actors necessarily end up developing a certain relationship with death.Romeo drinks poison and Juliet stabs herself with a dagger; Stella drinks poison and Fernando shoots himself; Woyzeck murders Marie in a fit of bloodlust with countless stabs of a knife; Ferdinand kills Luise and himself with poison...