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Tag Archives: #2021-3

Students Helping Students – A Look Back at the First Year of the mdw’s Buddy Programme

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Easing the arrival of international first-semester students in Vienna and at the University, helping them network socially once here: it was a desire to do precisely these things that inspired the Buddy Programme’s conception as part of the mdw Diversity Strategy back in 2019.

Enthusiasm for the Text

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During the past academic year, two productions at the Max Reinhardt Seminar—both of which had to be premièred without a live audience—were devoted to works by Thomas Bernhard and Gert Jonke, respectively.

Rotting Sounds – Embracing the Temporal Deterioration of Digital Audio

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After a flat, circular artifact reminiscent of a compact disc had been found in Vienna’s Auer-Welsbach Park back in June of 2019, it took quite some analytical work to determine that it was indeed a digital data medium containing a lengthy message of unclear origin.
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