Research “Sharing is Caring”, or: Why the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Cultural Studies Disciplines Should not Cede the Stage(s) to Others
Research Review: Dialektik der Schrift. Zu Adornos Theorie der musikalischen Reproduktion [Dialectics of the Written. On Adorno’s Theory of Musical Reproduction]
Research Review: Inklusives Musizieren. Praxis, Pädagogik, Ästhetik am Beispiel der All Stars Inclusive Band Wien
Research Review: Instrumentalists and Instrumental Practice at the Court of Albrecht V of Bavaria, 1550–1579
Research Review: Lieder, Geister und Tabus. Zum soziokulturellen Wandel der Musiktradition bei den Tao in Taiwan
Research Expressive Performance on Single-Reed Woodwind Instruments: An Experimental Characterisation of Articulatory Actions
Research Between Music and Politics: Exiled Musicians in the Antifascist Fight of the French Popular Front