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Julia Kordina

Posts By Julia Kordina

“HR Excellence in Research” for the mdw

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On January 11, 2023, the mdw was awarded the HR Excellence in Research Award by the European Commission. After successfully completing the first phase of the HRS4R audit, the mdw is now listed as one of the overall 700 recognised European organisations and as the first arts university in Austria on the EURAXESS website.

The Awakening of Society: The Pro-Democracy Movement in Belarus

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Olga Shparaga, philosopher, activist, and author (The Face of the Revolution is Female: The Case of Belarus) speaking at the mdw on the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 Dec. 2021.

Public lecture by Ruth Wodak on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day 2020 Julia Kordina

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Excerpt from the public lecture “Does every crisis justify a crisis of human rights? Crisis-related considerations” by Ruth Wodak at the mdw on the occasion of the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (10/12/2020).