I am…
Wanja Rosenthal.
At the mdw, I’ve been studying…
Music Education for Voice and Instruments – Guitar (Popular Music) since the autumn of 2015 (in the MA programme since 2020).

My favourite place at the mdw…
is the lawn at the mdw Campus. Especially in springtime when you can sit outside, because I’ve spent countless hours there with my guitar and also had nice encounters with fellow mdw students.

How do you reconcile your studies with live performing?
Nearly all of the teachers who’ve taught me here have consistently stood up for the importance of live performances. Thanks to their support and understanding, I’ve always been able to combine performing and being a student in a way that works well.

How much time did the work on your debut album LÜFPYRÜN take up alongside your studies?
I have to admit that the album ate up the bulk of my time last year, which meant having less resources than expected for academic commitments—like writing my master’s degree thesis. But I was glad I could give my album the time that it needed, and I’m now really looking forward to being able to present it this year as part of my final exam.

You spent an entire academic year abroad. How did that experience enrich you in your studies and as an artist?
My year abroad in Cologne was one of the most important experiences I could’ve had as a student, especially after that tedious period where we had the pandemic hanging over our heads. It was a new environment with fantastic musicians where lots of creative musical exchange ended up taking place, which was inspiring for me in an artistic sense. Most of the compositions on my album came together in Cologne, and I was ultimately able to record them with the band that I formed there.
Further infos on Wanja Rosenthal.