Enrolled at the mdw since: the 2018/19 winter semester
Area(s) of study: Flute (performance and IGP)

Favourite place at the mdw and why: My favourite place here is on the benches outside the hmdw office. It’s a spot where I’ve drunk lots of coffee, caught lots of sun, and gotten to know and talked with lots of people during my breaks from practising!
Favourite place in Vienna: The pond at the Wienerberg recreation area. Since I live at Matzleinsdorferplatz, that’s the first place I go for a jog, for a walk, or if we want to have a picnic. It‘s also the place where, just recently, my now-fiancé proposed to me.
What I wish I’d known back when I started studying here: I wish I would’ve been provided with lots more information on the curriculum and other important studies-related stuff. And that’s why we instrumental representatives have been holding an informational event for new students at the beginning of each winter semester for the past two years now.
Where would you most like to perform? I’d very much like to give a solo performance at the Musikverein someday—which is probably something every music student in Vienna dreams of doing…
When I get up onstage, what I enjoy most is communicating with the audience, regardless of whether it’s through words or through music.

A theme that preoccupies me quite generally is above all the environment and climate change—and the question of what I, as an individual, can do towards fighting against the latter. I’m very worried about what future generations are in for, which is why I try to keep my environmental footprint as small as possible.
My biggest success to date was this past November in Innsbruck, when I placed second in an audition—thanks to which I now have a limited-term contract as a substitute principle flutist from mid-January until the end of the season.
My work for the hmdw costs me a huge amount of time and effort, but it’s also very interesting, full of variety, and fulfilling!