Paper |
Date of use | 1763 - 1765 |
Paper mill | Fratelli Andreoli e compagno, Toscolano |
Commentary | There are slight variants of P22 in the width of the letter A in both countermarks and in the positioning of the right crescent in the mark of P22A. |
Watermark P22A
Watermark | 3 crescents |
Selenometrie in mm | xz: 81, xy: 23 |
Countermark | lily / FA / C |
Source | A Wn Mus.Hs._18081_1_fol37v38r35v36r |
 |  |  |
watermark  | countermark  | sheet  |

Twinmark P22B
Watermark | 3 crescents |
Selenometrie in mm | xz: 78, xy: 20 |
Countermark | lily / FA / C |
Source | A Wn Mus.Hs._18081_1_fol84v83r86v85r |
 |  |  |
twin watermark
 | twin countermark
 | twin sheet  |

Copyists and works |
Copyists using paper P22 | WK60B, WK60G, WK68H, WK71K, WK71L, WK71P, WK72D, WK73F |
Scores written on paper P22 | Blaise_18766, Galuppi_18067, Gassmann_18081, Gluck_17782, Hasse_17288, Monsigny_17893, Pergolesi_18034, Philidor_17896, Philidor_17897, Piccinni_10063, Piccinni_17812, Piccinni_30.3.28–29, Scarlatti_17849, Scolari_18042, Traetta_10008, Traetta_17853 |
Staff ruling on paper P22 | 10/184D, 10/c.183, 10/c.184, 8/184B |
Short titel | Blaise_18766 |
Composer | Blaise, Adolphe-Benoît |
Title | Annette et Lubin |
Dating of manuscript | 1763 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.18766 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Blaise_18766 |
Short titel | Galuppi_18067 |
Composer | Galuppi, Baldassare |
Title | Il filosofo di campagna |
Dating of manuscript | 1763/1768 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.18067 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Galuppi_18067 |
Short titel | Gassmann_18081 |
Composer | Gassmann, Florian Leopold |
Title | Filosofia ed amore |
Dating of manuscript | 1763 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.18081 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Gassmann_18081 |
Short titel | Gluck_17782 |
Composer | Gluck, Christoph Willibald |
Title | La corona |
Dating of manuscript | 1765 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.17782 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Gluck_17782 |
Short titel | Hasse_17288 |
Composer | Hasse, Johann Adolf |
Title | Romolo ed Ersilia |
Dating of manuscript | 1765 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.17288 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Hasse_17288 |
Short titel | Monsigny_17893 |
Composer | Monsigny, Pierre-Alexandre |
Title | Le maître en droit |
Dating of manuscript | 1763 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs. 17893 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Monsigny_17893 |
Short titel | Pergolesi_18034 |
Composer | Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista |
Title | La serva padrona |
Dating of manuscript | 1765 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.18034 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Pergolesi_18034 |
Short titel | Philidor_17896 |
Composer | Philidor, François-André Danican |
Title | Le maréchal ferrant |
Dating of manuscript | 1763 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.17896 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Philidor_17896 |
Short titel | Philidor_17897 |
Composer | Philidor, François-André Danican |
Title | Sancho Panca |
Dating of manuscript | 1763 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.17897 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Philidor_17897 |
Short titel | Piccinni_10063 |
Composer | Piccinni, Niccolò |
Title | La buona figliuola |
Dating of manuscript | 1764 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.10063 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Piccinni_10063 |
Short titel | Piccinni_17812 |
Composer | Piccinni, Niccolò |
Title | Le donne vendicate |
Dating of manuscript | 1765 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.17812 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Piccinni_17812 |
Short titel | Piccinni_30.3.28–29 |
Composer | Piccinni, Niccolò |
Title | La schiava |
Dating of manuscript | 1765 |
Shelfmark | 30.3.28–29 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Piccinni_30.3.28–29 |
Short titel | Scarlatti_17849 |
Composer | Scarlatti, Giuseppe |
Title | La serva scaltra |
Dating of manuscript | 1765 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.17849 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Scarlatti_17849 |
Short titel | Scolari_18042 |
Composer | Scolari, Giuseppe |
Title | La conversazione |
Dating of manuscript | 1763 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.18042 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Scolari_18042 |
Short titel | Traetta_10008 |
Composer | Traetta, Tommaso |
Title | Ifigenia in Tauride |
Dating of manuscript | 1763 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.10008 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Traetta_10008 |
Short titel | Traetta_17853 |
Composer | Traetta, Tommaso |
Title | Ifigenia in Tauride |
Dating of manuscript | 1763 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.17853 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Traetta_17853 |
Rastrum ID | 10/184D |
Distances between staves(DS) | 9+_10+_9+_10_10-_9.5_9+_9.5_10- (mm) |
Scores | Blaise_18766, Gassmann_18081, Philidor_17896, Philidor_17897, Scolari_18042, Traetta_10008, Traetta_17853 |
Date of use | 1763 - 1768 |
Rastrum ID | 10/c.184 |
Distances between staves(DS) | (mm) |
Scores | Galuppi_18067, Gluck_17782, Hasse_17288, Monsigny_17893, Pergolesi_18034, Piccinni_10063, Piccinni_17812, Scarlatti_17849, Traetta_17853 |
Date of use | 1762 - 1765 |
Rastrum ID | 10/c.183 |
Distances between staves(DS) | (mm) |
Scores | Gassmann_18081, Piccinni_10063 |
Date of use | 1763 - 1770 |
Rastrum ID | 8/184B |
Distances between staves(DS) | 15+_16_15+_15.5_14.5_14.5_14+ (mm) |
Scores | Monsigny_17893 |
Date of use | 1760 - 1764 |
License: CCBY-SA
Last edited: 30.01.2025
How to cite:Paper and Copyists in Viennese Opera Scores / Paper / P22, last edited 30.01.2025,, retrieved 17.02.2025