Spirits in Complexity – Making kin with experimental music systems

Kick-Off Symposium zum FWF-PEEK Projekt „Spirits in Complexity – Making kin with experimental music systems“, einer Kooperation zwischen der mdw (Artistic Research Center) und der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Institute of Computational Perception).

Dieses Forschungsprojekt wird vom Österreichischen Wissenschaftsfond gefördert.

Kick-off symposium for the FWF-PEEK project "Spirits in Complexity - Making kin with experimental music systems", a cooperation between the mdw (Artistic Research Center) and the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Institute of Computational Perception).

This research project is funded by the Austrian Science Fund.


Marino Formenti und Marco Döttlinger: iteration 1

Martin Howse: Orphans and voids

Irena Tomažin: Echo of the mouth



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