Registration in 3 steps:
- Online Pre-Registration
- Personal Registration of study programme (major subject)
• Personal Registration at Studies Center
• Pay the Students Union fee
• Activate your mdwCard
• Activate your Students Account at mdwOnline - Signing up for minor courses
Online Pre-Registration
- start - (two weeks before your personal registration - see Part 2.)
- confirm the registration E-Mail
- choose a password and complete registration
- click on "Entrance Exam Registration"
- start of course: select the semester
- select degree programme: "other study" & "Attendance of Individual Courses"
- enter your addresses
- answer some statistic questions (Higher educaiton entrance & qualification)
- finally upload a passport photo (colour photo, neutral background, no instrument, look straight into the camera)
Personal Registration of study programme (major)
Personal Registration at Study Center
Studies Center
responsible: Christine Steiner & Sumner Williams
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, A EG01, 1030 Wien
Registration Deadline:
10.02.2025 - 07.03.2025
Opening hours:
Monday, Thuesday, Thursday, Friday from 9 to 12
Closed on Wednesday
Please be there at 8 in the morning to take a number. If you arrive too late, you may not be able to get in because the queue is already too long.
- Semestermeldung
- Declaration of commitment for mdwOnline
- Confirmation to take over your student ID (mdw Card)
- show your passport or personal ID
- a digital photo (e.g. on your smartphone) - if no photo has been uploaded in the pre registration
You will receive the payment slip for the Students Union fee (ÖH Beitrag), your PIN code for your mdwOnline account as well as instructions on how to get your student ID (mdwCard).
Pay the Students Union fee
Transfer the Students Union fee (ÖH Beitrag). Use the correct payment reference number if using online banking. Your payment should reach the Studies Center within 2 or 3 business days. Please make sure that you also pay any bank charges that may arise.
Once your payment has been received, you can:
- use your PIN to activate your mdwOnline account
- use mdwOnline to print your student record sheet (Studienblatt) and confirmation of enrolment.
Please check both of these documents immediately and report any errors to the Studies Center.
Activate your mdwCard
Insert the mdwCard with the barcode facing up and in the direction of the arrow into one of the validity printers, which you can find next to the information terminals at the following locations:
- Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1 (Aula, next to room BEG01)
- Rennweg 8
- Seilerstätte 26
- Penzinger Straße 7 and 9
Your mdwCard is now valid (until the expiration date indicated on the card).
Activate your Students Account at mdwOnline
The PIN code to activate your mdwOnline account can only be issued once the Students Union fee (ÖH Beitrag) has been received at the mdw's bank account.
- Start by entering your PIN, matriculation number, and date of birth
- Note your mdwOnline user name for later logins
- Choose an individual password for mdwOnline and another password for your E-mail account.
You’ve now set up your mdwOnline account including your mailbox and your personal data storage space on the mdw’s file server
Signing up for minor courses
Once your mdwOnline students account is active you can start signing up for courses online. You are not automatically sigend up for the courses listed on your Learning Agreement.
Information on course offer for incoming students
all courses are only held in German
For assistance, please contact the appropriate office:
For Instrumental studies
Birgit Buxbaum
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, L 0111, 1030 Wien
For Pedagogical studies
Imke Oldewurtel
Rennweg 8, A 0122, 1030 Wien
For other study programmes
Please contact the secretary of the department.
Bianca Ziegler
Student Mobility Incomings
T +43 1 71155-7421
Studies Center
Dean's office for Instrumental studies
Dean's office for Pedagogical studies