Paper |
Date of use | 1767 - 1770 |
Paper mill | Antonio Seguito, Lusetti, Toscolano |
Commentary | P79 is a distinctive variant of P89. Whereas the letter A and the three crescents are identical, the papers differ in the form of the letters M and S and in the position of the letter S. In the cornermark of P79, the letter S – in P89 positioned right of the letter A – is mirrored and repositioned left of the letter A. In addition, in P79A the letter M is positioned differently and in P79B the letter M is narrower than in P89. |
Concordances | Tyson 9, Denny 1767-AS-1 (sometimes mixed up with P89) |
Bibliographic reference | Eybl 2022, p. 260; 262 |
Watermark P79A
Watermark | |
Countermark | 3 crescents / M |
Selenometrie in mm | xz: 76, xy: 16 |
Cornermark | AS (mirrored) |
Source | A Wn Mus.Hs._17298_1_fol27v28r29v30r |
|  |  |  |
| countermark  | cornermark  | sheet  |

Twinmark P79B
Watermark | |
Countermark | 3 crescents / M |
Selenometrie in mm | xz: 79, xy: 15 |
Cornermark | AS (mirrored) |
Source | A Wn Mus.Hs._17298_1_fol20v19r22v21r |
|  |  |  |
| twin countermark
 | twin cornermark
 | twin sheet  |

Copyists and works |
Copyists using paper P79 | WK60M, WK67A, WK67B, WK67C, WK67E, WK67F, WK68A, WK68B, WK68E, WK70A, WK71K, WK71L, WK71M, WK71P, WK72D, WK72J, WK73F |
Scores written on paper P79 | Anfossi_18048, Bonno_25.6.1, Boroni_25.6.8–10, Fischietti_26.2.27–29, Fischietti_26.2.30–32, Galuppi_27.6.20–21, Gassmann_18085, Gassmann_18086, Gassmann_27.5.1–3, Gassmann_27.6.28–30, Gassmann_27.6.36–38, Gassmann_9946, Gluck_27.4.14–15, Gluck_27.4.2–3, Hasse_17298, Hasse_27.2.23–24, Hasse_27.2.6–7, Pasqua_17817, Piccinni_10062, Piccinni_17826, Piccinni_30.3.2–3, Sacchini_17815, Sacchini_31.4.20–21, Salieri_17833, Traetta_32.6.12–14, Traetta_32.6.9–11 |
Staff ruling on paper P79 | 10/192D, 10/192E, 10/193A, 10/c.190, 12/187C |
Short titel | Anfossi_18048 |
Composer | Anfossi, Pasquale |
Title | Lo sposo di tre e marito di nessuna |
Dating of manuscript | 1768 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.18048 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Anfossi_18048 |
Short titel | Bonno_25.6.1 |
Composer | Bonno, Giuseppe |
Title | L'isola disabitata |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | 25.6.1 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Bonno_25.6.1 |
Short titel | Boroni_25.6.8–10 |
Composer | Boroni, Antonio |
Title | L'amore in musica |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | 25.6.8–10 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Boroni_25.6.8–10 |
Short titel | Fischietti_26.2.27–29 |
Composer | Fischietti, Domenico |
Title | Il signor dottore |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | 26.2.27–29 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Fischietti_26.2.27–29 |
Short titel | Fischietti_26.2.30–32 |
Composer | Fischietti, Domenico |
Title | Il mercato di Malmantile |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | 26.2.30–32 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Fischietti_26.2.30–32 |
Short titel | Galuppi_27.6.20–21 |
Composer | Galuppi, Baldassare |
Title | Il marchese villano |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | 27.6.20–21 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Galuppi_27.6.20–21 |
Short titel | Gassmann_18085 |
Composer | Gassmann, Florian Leopold |
Title | L'amore artigiano |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.18085 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Gassmann_18085 |
Short titel | Gassmann_18086 |
Composer | Gassmann, Florian Leopold |
Title | La notte critica |
Dating of manuscript | 1768 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.18086 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Gassmann_18086 |
Short titel | Gassmann_27.6.28–30 |
Composer | Gassmann, Florian Leopold |
Title | L'amore artigiano |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | 27.6.28–30 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Gassmann_27.6.28–30 |
Short titel | Gassmann_9946 |
Composer | Gassmann, Florian Leopold |
Title | Amore e Psiche |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.9946 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Gassmann_9946 |
Short titel | Gluck_27.4.14–15 |
Composer | Gluck, Christoph Willibald |
Title | Il Telemaco ossia L'isola di Circe |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | 27.4.14–15 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Gluck_27.4.14–15 |
Short titel | Gluck_27.4.2–3 |
Composer | Gluck, Christoph Willibald |
Title | Orfeo ed Euridice |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | 27.4.2–3 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Gluck_27.4.2–3 |
Short titel | Hasse_17298 |
Composer | Hasse, Johann Adolf |
Title | Partenope |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.17298 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Hasse_17298 |
Short titel | Hasse_27.2.23–24 |
Composer | Hasse, Johann Adolf |
Title | Partenope |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | 27.2.23–24 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Hasse_27.2.23–24 |
Short titel | Hasse_27.2.6–7 |
Composer | Hasse, Johann Adolf |
Title | Alcide al bivio |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | 27.2.6–7 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Hasse_27.2.6–7 |
Short titel | Pasqua_17817 |
Composer | Pasqua, Giuseppe |
Title | L'albagia smascherata o sia Il cittadino rinnobilito |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.17817 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Pasqua_17817 |
Short titel | Piccinni_10062 |
Composer | Piccinni, Niccolò |
Title | Le contadine bizzarre |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.10062 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Piccinni_10062 |
Short titel | Piccinni_17826 |
Composer | Piccinni, Niccolò |
Title | Le contadine bizzarre |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.17826 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Piccinni_17826 |
Short titel | Piccinni_30.3.2–3 |
Composer | Piccinni, Niccolò |
Title | Le contadine bizzarre |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | 30.3.2–3 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Piccinni_30.3.2–3 |
Short titel | Sacchini_17815 |
Composer | Sacchini, Antonio |
Title | La contadina in corte |
Dating of manuscript | 1767/1777 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.17815 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Sacchini_17815 |
Short titel | Sacchini_31.4.20–21 |
Composer | Sacchini, Antonio |
Title | La contadina in corte |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | 31.4.20–21 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Sacchini_31.4.20–21 |
Short titel | Salieri_17833 |
Composer | Salieri, Antonio |
Title | Le donne letterate |
Dating of manuscript | 1770 |
Shelfmark | Mus.Hs.17833 (Austrian National Library, Vienna) |
Profile | Salieri_17833 |
Short titel | Traetta_32.6.12–14 |
Composer | Traetta, Tommaso |
Title | Ifigenia in Tauride |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | 32.6.12–14 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Traetta_32.6.12–14 |
Short titel | Traetta_32.6.9–11 |
Composer | Traetta, Tommaso |
Title | Armida |
Dating of manuscript | 1767 |
Shelfmark | 32.6.9–11 (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli) |
Profile | Traetta_32.6.9–11 |
Rastrum ID | 10/192D |
Distances between staves(DS) | 11-_11.5_10.5_11-_11_10.5_11-_11-_10- (mm) |
Scores | Anfossi_18048, Gassmann_18086, Hasse_17298, Sacchini_17815 |
Date of use | 1767 - 1771 |
Rastrum ID | 10/192E |
Distances between staves(DS) | 10+_11+_11-_11-_11_10.5_10-_11_10+ (mm) |
Scores | Gassmann_18085, Gassmann_18086, Gluck_27.4.14–15, Hasse_17298, Pasqua_17817, Piccinni_10062, Piccinni_17826 |
Date of use | 1767 - 1768 |
Rastrum ID | 10/193A |
Distances between staves(DS) | 10.5_11_11_10+_10.5_10+_10.5_10+_9.5 (mm) |
Scores | Hasse_17298, Sacchini_31.4.20–21 |
Date of use | 1763/1768 - 1769 |
Rastrum ID | 12/187C |
Distances between staves(DS) | 9-_8_9-_9-_8.5_8+_9_9+_9_8.5_9 (mm) |
Scores | Salieri_17833 |
Date of use | 1770 |
License: CCBY-SA
Last edited: 30.01.2025
How to cite:Paper and Copyists in Viennese Opera Scores / Paper / P79, last edited 30.01.2025,, retrieved 16.02.2025