Free online-event, taking place on 31st October 2024

Working with families: Perspectives from Southeast Asia and Oceania

31st Oct 2024

6:00 pm (Melbourne), 2:00 pm (Bankok), 3:00 pm (Hong Kong), 7:00 am GMT (London)


Chairs: Grace Thompson (AUS) & Amelia Oldfield (UK)

Speakers: Krisanapong Jampamoon (THA) & Pornpan Kaenampornpan (THA),
Lesley Leung (HKG), Amy Howden (AUS)

Online - Event: 

Music Therapy with Families in the Americas

Saturday, 16th March 2024

MST: 9:00 - 12:00 am (e.g.Arizona)   |   GMT: 4:00 - 7:00 pm (e.g. UK)   |   CET: 5:00 - 8:00 pm (e.g. AUT, D,SWE..)  
Find YOUR time via Timezone Converter!

30th November 2023:    
Online - Launch of the Symposium Music Therapy with Families Proceedings

In this open-acces online-publication you can find detailled information about all presentations, workshops & posters of this event:

September 23-25, 2022:  First international Music Therapy with Families Symposium in Vienna, AUT

The first international Music Therapy with Families Symposium took place at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, Austria, from September 23-25, 2022.

Organized by the WZMF - Music Therapy Research Center Vienna together with the Music Therapy with Families Hub this conference focused specifically on music therapy work across the lifespan that involves clients’ families, relatives, and caregivers.
A total of 37 speakers presented their work and research in a range of different formats, including seven online/on-site workshops and 15 poster presentations.
This two-day hybrid symposium was attended by more than 180 participants (live and online) from about 30 countries. An overview of the program is available HERE...

It was followed by a network day specifically dedicated to further connecting and future planning.