Thomas Stegemann
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Music Therapy Research Centre Vienna (WZMF)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. sc. mus. Thomas Stegemann is a child and adolescent psychiatrist, a licensed music therapist, and a family therapist. Since 2011 he has served as Professor of Music Therapy and Head of the Department of Music Therapy and the Music Therapy Research Centre Vienna (WZMF) at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, Austria. He is an internationally publishing author and lecturer. He was a member of the Local Organizing Committee and co-head of the Scientific Committee of the European Music Therapy Conference 2016 in Vienna, Austria. His main research areas are: Music therapy for children, adolescents, and families; music(therapy) and neurobiology; ethics in music therapy.

Eva Phan Quoc
Music Therapy Research Centre Vienna (WZMF)
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Eva Phan Quoc is a certified music therapist, senior scientist and lecturer at the Music Therapy Research Centre Vienna (WZMF) and the Department of Music Therapy at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna. Her main clinical and research areas are family settings and attachment-based music therapy in early childhood.

Agnes Burghardt-Distl
Zentrum für Entwicklungsförderung Dresdnerstraße
Agnes Burghardt-Distl is a certified music therapist and psychologist, currently working within a multiprofessional team in a clinical outpatient center and in private practice in Vienna. She is specialized inmusic therapy with children, adolescents and families and gives lectures on the subject of autism-spectrum-disorders.

Grace Thompson
University of Melbourne
Dr Grace Thompson is a music therapist and Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne. Grace has worked with children, young people and families for over 20 years within the early childhood intervention and special education sectors. Grace is co-editor of the book “Music Therapy with Families: Therapeutic Approaches and Theoretical Perspectives”.

Amelia Oldfield
Anglia Ruskin University,
Amelia Oldfield worked as a clinical music therapist with children and their families for 40 years in a child development centre and a child and family psychiatric unit. She has researched, written and lectured extensively in this area. In September 2019, she officially ‘retired’ but continues music therapy supervision, research consultancy and teaching both in her role as Emeritus Professor at Anglia Ruskin University and for other Universities, organisations, or individuals in the UK and abroad.

Tali Gottfried
Herzog Academic College
Tali Gottfried, PhD, from Israel is a certifies music therapist and supervisor, lecturer and researcher. She is the Academic Coordinator of the Graduate Program for Special Education at Herzog Academic College in Jerusalem. Her main clinical and research areas are families of children with developmental challenges. Tali works within a parallel clinical model, where music takes a central role in the therapeutic process of both the children and their parents; she is also MEL Assessment co-developer. Tali has presented her work in national and international conferences, and ran "music therapy with families" seminars in Australia, Spain, Sweden and Vienna.

Claire Flower
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foudation Trust
Claire is Consultant Music Therapist in Children’s Therapies at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London. She has a particular interest in practice and research with families, and is Chair of the Scientific Committee for #emtc2022. When not being a music therapist, she is most likely to be found walking the hills.

Rut Wallius
Department of Child Protection, Municipality of Botkyrka
Rut Wallius works as a family oriented music therapist specializing in violence in families at risk. Since 20221 she is also a PhD student at Aalborg University, doing research about the reunification process between children in care and their families.