

Universal Edition has published the winning pieces in the volumes titled K2010, K2013, K2016, K2019, and K2022.



Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition 2010


Clay McMillan: Reflections - performed by Haeki Min

Jason Freeman: Reading a Poem - performed by Michael Billich and Bora Yoon

Juan de Dios Magdaleno: SF_oia - performed by  Manon Bancsich

Andrea Vigani: Le grand Carillon - performed by Philipp Tyran

Abel Paúl: finger scenes - performed by Amanda Rempel

Jona Kümper: 6 Stücke für Klavier vierohrig - performed by  Clara Murnig and Franz-Josef Hauser


Direction of Photography:
Hans Maria Kneihs

Hans Maria Kneihs
Clay McMillan
Konstantin Tarko

Thomas Lang
David Merö

Ursula Kneihs


Disk: DVD PAL 4:3
Length: 70 minutes
Sound: Stereo


Digital Release

2nd Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition 2013

Victor Ibarra: Cuatro observaciones sobre lo imaginario (Four Observations about the Imaginary) - performed by Thomas Mejstrik

Gaël Tissot: Cahier d’explorations. Four short pieces for piano - performed by Therese Shire

Morris Wolf: [ohne Titel]. Fünf kleine Stücke für Klavier - performed by Darong Hwang

Kala Pierson: Radiate. Divisible cycle of three pieces - performed by Setareh Akhavanaghdam

Thomas Lang

Digital Release

3rd Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition 2016


Matius Shan-Boone: Six Views from my Window - performed by Michael Wurzinger

Peter Yarde Martin: The Five Elements - performed by Florian Hecher

Daniel Serrano: Sonetos - performed by Franziska Reutterer

Davide Coppola: 4 vierhändige Insekten für Schüler und Lehrer - performed by Tsugumi Shirakura and Luca Lavuri

Emre Sihan Kaleli: Six Short Pieces for Emerging Pianist - performed by Ruth Perfler


Sound: Ulrich Wagner


Digital Release

4th Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition 2019


Ayaz Gambarli: Mirage - performed by Anja Maurer

Dimitris Maronidis: 4 (Hommage) Études - performed by Tobias Weiß

Ignacio Brasa Gutiérrez: Tacto - performed by Daria Kovaleva

Jens Klimek: Die Planeten - performed by Christoph Dietler

Stephan Lewandowski: Geheimnisvolle Kurzgeschichte in 4 Abschnitten - performed by Ying Ying Zhou


Sound: Agnes Ecker


Digital Release

5th Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition 2022


Patrick Thomas Schäfer: Creatures
Lavenie Natalie Steger

Adrian Mocanu: La piccola fiammiferaia
Xiang Zuo
Biin Jin: Pendule
Julia Charlotte Alton

Óscar Prados: Interludes for piano (two, three and four players)
Isabella Brunbauer / Supisara Kaseamluck / Seyedreza Mojtabavi / Heidrun Wurm

In-Gi Kim: Qualia
Eliza Agajeva

Karlo Margetić: In all directions
Benedikt Holter

Luis Alberto Tenaglia: Los días antes del Tiempo II
Franziska Musil

Marc Vogler: Organum
Aida Akhmetova


Tonmeister: Benedikt Ross