Paper      P48      
Date of use1773
Paper millAntonio Zuanelli e compagni, Salò, Toscolano
CommentarySimilar to P7 and P40.

Watermark P48A

Watermark3 crescents / crossbow
CountermarkAZ / C in crowned coat of arms
Selenometrie in mmxz: 71, xy: 22
SourceA Wn Mus.Hs._10073_2_fol319v322r315v318r
watermark countermark sheet

Twinmark P48B

Watermark3 crescents / crossbow
CountermarkAZ / C in crowned coat of arms
Selenometrie in mmxz: 73, xy: 18
SourceA Wn Mus.Hs._10073_2_fol321v320r317v316r
twin watermark twin countermark twin sheet

Copyists and works

Copyists using paper P48WK71A, WK73M, WK73P, WK73R, WK73S
Scores written on paper P48Salieri_10073, Salieri_17840
Staff ruling on paper P4810/184M, 10/187D, 10/190H, 10/c.189