Joan Pope bursary
After the 1st International Conference of Dalcroze Studies (UK, 2013), Dr Joan Pope OAM (President, Dalcroze Australia) donated funds to establish a bursary to help delegates attend the 2nd International Conference of Dalcroze Studies (Austria, 2015).
There is one bursary available for 2015. The conference committees plan to increase the number of bursaries available for future conferences.
The Joan Pope bursary is intended for those who may not be financially able to meet all the costs. It will give:
- Free entry (delegate fee is waived, including the Laxenburg trip)
- € 300 towards travel expenses

Joan writes:
The inaugural Dalcroze Studies Conference celebrated the centenary of the establishment of the London School of Dalcroze Eurhythmics and was a treasure trove of intriguing and interesting opinions.
People from many countries exchanged views about past, present and future applications of those wonderfully original thoughts of Jaques-Dalcroze.
The friendly contacts made will likely last a lifetime; the warm support extended by ‘old hands’ to newcomers to research, writing and presenting at conferences was lively and encouraging.
To share these experiences, it is a pleasure to invite you to apply for a small, but we hope helpful, bursary to attend the second conference. Please apply, so that we may welcome you to Vienna!
Download the application form here.
Applicants must submit the application form by 31 January 2015.
They must also ensure that a referee submits a reference separately and by the same date. Details on the application form.
Applications will be shortlisted by Dr Joan Pope OAM in consultation with Dr John Habron, and a recommendation made to the Scientific Committee. The successful candidate will be informed on 16 March 2015. The committee’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into with any other applicants.