Il parnaso confuso (Mus.F.0511)       

ComposerGluck, Christoph Willibald
Date of performance1765-01-24 Premiere
Dating of manuscript1765
NotesThe score was written at the time of the premiere in 1765 and was part of a group of opera scores (Hasse_F.0545, Hasse_F.0546, Traetta_F.1188) from the collection of Emperor Maximilian Franz, which were probably all written in 1765. The volumes are not bound, but consist of loose gatherings.
Number of volumes1
Coverno cover
PaperP87, P88
Copyist(s)WK60G, WK63B, WK73F
Detailed information Gluck_F.0511
LibraryBiblioteca Estense Universitaria, Modena
Library holding I-MOe Mus.F.0511
Bibliographic referenceReisinger/Riepe/Wilson 2018, p. 227
Gluck Gesamtausgabe
Former owner(s)1. Elector Maximilian Franz (1756–1801)